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Business and Labour Rights


Course Description

Key to labour rights is that they have particular meaning at the workplace: they create obligations for the employer and rights for the employees/workers. Additionally, it is commonly acknowledged that business have an influence on human and labour rights. While awareness about this is rising, expectations from business are also rising and they are increasingly expected to behave as responsible business. This has resulted in the development of various (quasi-)legal initiatives that address business directly. All these initiatives create expectations, however, what exactly is expected is not always clear, and neither are the consequences of non-compliance with those expectations. The purpose of this course is to familiarise students with these various (quasi-)legal initiatives. Knowledge of these initiatives is essential to understand the legal quality of the obligations they create and what this means for the practice of businesses, in both ways: in how these initiatives intent to change the behaviour of business and to what extent they intent to create rights for workers. Topics include initiatives of public international organisations, such as the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the OECD and the UN's Global Compact, as well as private initiatives of enterprises themselves, either adopted unilaterally, for instance CSR codes of conducts, or jointly with workers representatives, such as international framework agreements, but also certification and monitoring schemes of non-governmental organisations, like SA8.000 and ISO26.000.

Course Requirement

Master Degree


The timetable of this course will be available for students in Blackboard


More information on this course is offered in Blackboard

Assessment Method

  • Paper: 100%, based on weekly assignments

Contact information

Programme Coordinator
Ms Patricia Garcia Fernandez
Telephone number: 0031- 71 527 4228

Currently these pages are being updated to reflect the courses for 2019 - 2020. Until these pages are fixed as per 1 September 2019 no rights can be claimed from the information which is currently contained within