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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Privacy & Data Protection 5
Probability Seminar: Stories from Asymptotia (BM) 6
Process Modelling 3
Professional skills for public impact 5
Professionele kinderopvang 5
Programming in Python (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Project Management for Scientists 3
Projectieve meetkunde 6
Protection of the Rule of Law in Europe 5
Psycholinguïstiek 5
Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse 5
Psychologie en Wetenschap 5
Psychologie van religie 5
Psychology and Science (IBP) 5
Psychology of Programming 6
Psychology of Religion 5
Psychometrics and SEM 6
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Publiek beleid in Latijns-Amerika 5
Publiek Management 5
Publishing and Communicating Research 5
Publishing Studies: Academic Publishing 5
Qualitative Methods in Linguistics 5
Quantitative Imaging in Life Sciences 5
Quantitative Pharmacology 4
Quantum Algorithms 6
Quantum Computing 3
Quantum Field Theory 6
Quantum Information 3
Quantum Information Theory (BM) 6
Quantum Mechanics 1 6
Quantum Mechanics 2 5
Quantum Optics 6
Quantum Reaction Dynamics (QRD) 6
Quantum Theory 6
Rabbis and Rebels: The Challenges of Jewish Tradition 5
Radiative Processes 6
Radio Astronomy 6
Random walks 6
Random Walks (MM) 8
Reactivity in Organic Chemistry (ROC) 6
Reading Old Babylonian 5
Reading the Bodhicaryāvatāra 5
Readings in American History 10
Readings in Indo-European Linguistics 5
Rebel, Prophet, Martyr: Jesus of Nazareth in the Context of his Time 10
Recente romans 5
Recht en Literatuur: Reflectie op democratie en rechtsstaat 5
Recht in de multiculturele samenleving 5