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Education and Child Studies: Applied Neuroscience in human development

Welcome to the specialisation Applied Neuroscience in Human Development, which is part of the Master’s Degree Programme in Education and Child Studies. Language of instruction in this specialisation is English.

This master’s specialisation is intended for students who wish to become experts in the neuro-cognitive and biological roots of learning, behaviour and emotions, both in normal situations and in cases involving problematic development.
Knowledge of children’s normal development is a prerequisite to be able to design and understand research on problematic developmental processes and outcomes. The primary focus in the curriculum is on how knowledge about brain functioning and stress regulation can contribute to educational practice, clinical work, and family interventions, and, conversely, how these applications can contribute to optimal neuro-cognitive and biological functioning.

Please refer to our website for the timetable.

For more information you can contact our study advisers.

For Dutch students

De Leidse Masterspecialisatie Applied Neuroscience in Human Development voldoet, in combinatie met de Leidse Bacheloropleiding Pedagogische Wetenschappen, aan alle eisen die gesteld worden door de Nederlandse Vereniging van Pedagogen en Onderwijskundigen (NVO) voor de registratie Basis-Pedagoog. Studenten die elders een universitaire Bacheloropleiding Pedagogische Wetenschappen hebben behaald kunnen, soms na het behalen van één of enkele extra vakken, ook in aanmerking komen voor de NVO-registratie Basis-Pedagoog. Lees de Brochure Beroepsregistraties voor alle informatie.

NB Voor personen die via het Pre-master programma Pedagogische Wetenschappen in de Master instromen geldt een aparte regeling waarmee men zich kan kwalificeren voor de registratie Basis-Pedagoog.