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Advanced Quantitative Research Methods


Admission requirements

Required courses:

  • Introduction to Statistics,

  • Mathematical Modeling or Mathematical Reasoning, and

  • Quantitative Research Methods.


he course introduces students to selected topics in advanced quantitative research with application in economics, political science, environmental science and other. The aim of the course is to help students understand more advanced statistical methods in the context of applied quantitative research practice. The course builds on students’ understanding of basic inferential theory and linear regression and familiarizes them with new statistical techniques, including time series and panel models, choice models, and other. Students will be asked to develop a project of their choosing in their area of interest that incorporates some of these statistical techniques.

Course Objectives

  • Provide basic understanding of more advanced statistical techniques.

  • Match a statistical method to a research question and an argument.

  • Understand how these techniques can be applied in the context of substantive research topics.

  • Further develop statistical programming skills in R package, including graphical display of data.

  • Present quantitative findings to varied types of audiences.


Timetables for courses offered at Leiden University College in 2020-2021 will be published on this page of the e-Prospectus.

Mode of instruction

The course consists of Interactive lectures, where students are required to participate and demonstrate their familiarity with readings and lab seminars dedicated to improving the conceptual understanding of these methods in a series of mini research projects conducted in R.

Assessment Method

Lecture Assignments 15% Ongoing Weeks 1-7
Seminar Assignments 15% Ongoing Weeks 1-7
Progress Report 15% Weeks 2
Final Research Project 40% Week 8
Take-Home Exam 15% Week 8

Reading list

Required Textbook:

  • Dougherty, Christopher. 2007. Introduction to Econometrics – Fourth Edition. Cambridge University Press.


  • Gujarati, Damodar. 2008. Basic Econometrics. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 5 edition.

  • Kennedy, Peter. 2008. A Guide to Econometrics. Wiley-Blackwell; 6 edition

  • Michael J. Crawley. 2005. Statistics: An Introduction using R, 1st Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Paperback.

  • The Chicago Guide to Writing About Numbers (2004), Haack, Dennis, University of Chicago Press – 1st edition.


Courses offered at Leiden University College (LUC) are usually only open to LUC students and LUC exchange students. Leiden University students who participate in one of the university’s Honours tracks or programmes may register for one LUC course, if availability permits. Registration is coordinated by the Education Coordinator,


Dr. Lucie Zicha,


Review of Basics in Linear Regression: Dougherty: Simple Regression Analysis (Chapter 1); Properties of the Regression Coefficients and Hypothesis Testing (Chapters 2), Multiple Regression Analysis (Chapter 3).