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Admission requirements

The course is open for all students that are enrolled in the LDE Minor Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development.


This skills- building module prepares and supports students for and during their field assignment. Applying the double diamond principle of design thinking to frugal innovation challenges, leads to a more precise mapping and description of the field assignment in which expectations, aspirations, objectives, outputs, tasks, working schedule, etc. are further determined.

By means of various exercises and mentoring sessions students are equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes to define, prepare and conduct their field assignment successfully. The acquired knowledge and skills also feeds into the process of formulating and writing a field assignment plan. During working groups and individual meetings, students are also guided by their field assignment provider and academic supervisors, who approve the field assignment plan.

In addition, students get acquainted with the country of destination, its local context, history and culture. A Health & Safety as well as a session on intercultural communication and inculturation are part of this module.
Throughout the field assignment, teams are supported by individual appointed coaches up to the final presentation that serves to reflect on learning experiences and showcase their field assignment results.

Course objectives

Objective: To establish a basic understanding of the context objectives and expected outputs of the field assignment leading to the development of a realistic Field Assignment Plan that details expectations, aspirations, objectives, outputs, tasks, and a work schedule.

Outcomes: After this module students are able to:
1. Apply design thinking and lean principles to complex problems;
2. Employ theories and tools to assess societal challenges;
3. Identify and critically assess own ideas by conducting a rapid assumptions tests;
4. Conduct personal and online interviews and research in an intercultural setting;
5. Evaluate personal potential, limitations, progress and role in a team;
6. Reflect on own contribution to solving a frugal innovation challenge.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

Facilitated exercises, mentoring and coaching sessions, discussions, and workshops.

Assessment method

Weekly Activities (Pass/Fail)
Report Diamond (10%)
Progress Report (30%)
Final Team Video (30%)
Learning Journal and Reflection (30%)
Field Assignment Plan (Pass/Fail)


Where possible, same subtest as the first, within given timeframe.


Leiden University Brightspace LMS will be used for:

  • Announcements

  • Course information

  • Documents

  • Discussions

  • Grades

  • Calendar

  • Reading list

Reading list

All links and references to prescribed and recommended scientific and professional papers available in Brightspace (Leiden University). Strive to mostly use library and open source online publications.


You register for this course through uSis, Leiden University.
Registration via uSis is verplicht.

Information about uSis website

Inschrijven voor vakken en tentamens

Registration Studeren à la carte en Contractonderwijs

Not applicable.


Education Coordinator: Madi Ditmars

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