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Implementation: putting PHM into action


Admission requirements

Governance en Alternative Payment Models


This course will bring together all the learning from the previous 9 modules in form of a competition for the best population health management implementation plan. The course will use various game elements, small group work, peer and lecturer feedback throughout the four weeks to culminate in a final presentation to win. Contrary to previous work throughout year 1, this course will ask participants to go into more detail and present a realistic and implementable PHM plan for a specific population, engaging all relevant stakeholders in the design process, and prioritizing implementation steps. It is a dry run for year 2, and will also cover those topics, which may not have been centre stage until then, including a monitoring and evaluation plan, workforce and community engagement as well as organizing a stakeholder network. Students will be expected to identify the key elements for such a plan independently, by using the knowledge from the previous 9 modules. Input and feedback will merely give assistance and hints as to possible gaps. As such, it will mirror as closely as possible a real life situation.

Course objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand and apply the essentials of implementation theories for a PHM approach (from theory to practice).

  • Analyze elements of a successful and failed implementation in various regions or populations around the world.

  • Synthesize all elements of the practical guide and create their own implementation plan.

  • Create their own evaluation and monitoring strategy for the implementation process.

The final aim of the course is for students to experience the challenges of co-designing a realistic PHM implementation plan together with key stakeholders, and convincing the payers to invest in it.


The timetable is published on the LUMC roostersite or can be found via the LUMC scheduling app.

Mode of instruction

  • Lecture

  • Research

  • Excursion

  • Online education

  • Group work

Assessment method

Students are assessed according to the following three obligatory components

Week 1-2 – Online:
20% Peer review assessment

Week 3 – On Campus:
30% Group presentation

Week 4 – Final week:
50% Final assignment
All components together make up the grade for the course. It is compulsory to participate in each of the components in order to receive a grade
Details on the assessment can be found in the assessment plan on Brightspace
A minimum result of 5,5 for the overall assessment is required to pass.
If the result is less than 5,5 or if the student didn’t participate in one of the components, the student is given the opportunity to resit the assessment as one assignment that covers all the learning goals of the course.

A final grade of 5,5 minimum is considered sufficient.

Reading list

The reading list can be found on Brigthspace. These are given as presentations and pdf files. There is no need to purchase literature, as the presented material is not commercialized.


Registration must be done via uSis at the latest 5 days before the start of the course. Registration in uSis gives you automatic access to the course in Brightspace.


Dr. Viktoria Stein


This course is a combination of online ecucation and on campus Education at Leiden University Campus The Hague.