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Dynamics of International Organisation



This course explores the scholarly literature on “what makes the world hang together” (Ruggie 1998). In particular, it examines why and how states and other transnational actors develop norms, rules and formal organizations to govern world politics, under what conditions particular forms of international organization are most likely to emerge, how they shape the management of global economic, security, humanitarian and environmental challenges, and how patterns of international organization interact with globalization, power transition and other forms of global change.

Course Objectives

Objective 1: To deepen students’ understanding of the sources, the effects, and the limitations of international organization in contemporary world politics, including both formal organizations like the United Nations and less formal norms, rules and decision-making procedures in various regions and issue-areas.
Objective 2: To prepare students’ for careers in research, advocacy or policy-making on topics related to international organization and global governance.

Methods of instruction and communication

Class sessions will involve lecture, plenary discussions and small group exercises. Students are expected to complete assigned readings and submit written assignments by the deadlines and to make informed contributions to discussion.

Brightspace is the principal means of e-communication in this course, so all students are expected to sign up for the BS site for this course before the first session and to ensure that their BS account is linked to an email address that they check daily.

Study material

Readings will be drawn from scholarly books and journal articles available via the university library or the internet.

Assessment method

Grades will be based upon participation (10%), weekly assignments (20%), oral presentation (30%) presentation paper (40%).

Admission requirements

This course is open only to students enrolled in the ‘international organization’ specialization within the MSc Political Science program.
Students can take this course only once in their academic year.


See 'Practical Information'.

