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Science Communication Product Development


Admission Requirements

The course Science Communication Product Development is only admissible for students who have completed all other SCS courses.

Please apply for the SCS specialisation through this registration form


The intention of the Science Communication Product Development course is to put the things you have learned during the SCS courses into practice. With a group of your fellow students, which you can choose yourself, you will develop a product relevant to the field of science communication. This is within a very broad spectrum and gives you the freedom to be creative. For example, your group can develop a magazine, a dance or theater performance, an exhibit, brochures, audio tour or game. All groups will work for a client (scientist) within the Faculty of Science. A list of clients and matching science communication products will be made available during the course.

Course Objectives

After completion of Science Communication Product Development, students are able to:

  • Apply science communication theory in practice.

  • Use science communication theories to justify their choices made during the development of a science communication product.

  • Perform a target audience research.

  • Use or discover their own interests, creativity and learning goals within science communication and reflect on their learning process.

  • Develop a (prototype of a) science communication product and describe the development process.


Preliminary schedule: the SCS Product Development course will last three weeks in total starting from December 5, 2022. Room schedule will follow if applicable.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, group work

Assessment Method

Your grade for the final product will be composed of a product (50% of your total grade) a report (25% of your total grade), and a (pitch) presentation of your product (25% of your total grade).

  • Your product will be assessed on suitability for the target audience, development, design and creativity.

  • Your report will be assessed on the level of detail, completeness, audience research, link to theory, language and academic level.

  • Your presentation will be evaluated on comprehensibility, completeness, use of language and style of the presentation.

Reading List



You can only apply for this course if you have completed all other SCS courses. Please apply for the SCS courses through this registration form. You also need to register via uSis.


For any information regarding this course or the SCS specialisation in general you can contact our department through:

