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Vaclav Havel: Language Course


Students studying the MA European Politics and Society degree programme are required to take and pass a language course worth 5 ECTS during one of their semesters of study. This can be at Leiden University but does not have to be. Students should confirm their language arrangements with the MA EPS Programme Coordinator at the consortium partner where they intend to complete their language credits.

For students completing this requirement at Leiden University, language courses are available at various levels of proficiency. Students are responsible for selecting the level appropriate to their current knowledge base. To assist in determining this, the Dialang test is available via the Language Centre, for French, German and Spanish, see: Determine your entry level

Students should note that no guarantee can be given that a course in the student’s first choice of language at the appropriate level will be available, they are therefore advised to look at options at all partner universities of study before making their final decision.

Students wishing to continue studying their language of choice beyond the 5 ECTS are permitted to do so, subject to course availability. These will be treated as extracurricular credits.

Grades will be booked on 5254ILANGY