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How to Write a Research Proposal


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree. Admission to the Master BMS.


Period: 2 September 2024 - 13 September 2024 and 7 April 2025 - 17 April 2025

During this course you will learn to write a research proposal in the research field of your tutor. You will work together in a small group of students. To write a research proposal you must be able to formulate a hypothesis and research questions, which are central to any proposal. Furthermore, you must be able to write a research design. Therefore, you will start reading selected papers and, with guidance of your tutor, will formulate a research question and a hypothesis. Your group will then focus on writing the introduction of the proposal, followed by the scientific background and research design, including experiments and data analysis. Expected outcomes and (societal) significance of the results have to be indicated.

You will also critically evaluate proposals by other groups. A list of evaluation criteria is posted on Brightspace, not only to guide you in writing your own proposal, but also to help you evaluate the proposals of other groups. You will prepare a presentation of the proposal to present during a final joint meeting. Every student must participate in the presentation of the proposal.

Course objectives

The student:

  • is able to write a research proposal conform scientific standards encompassing: introduction, hypothesis, planning, research design, finances, societal impact and clinical relevance;

  • is able to write a research design which fits the hypothesis and the biomedical subject/content of the proposal;

  • is able to think in multidisciplinary terms and to make connections between his/her own research and (international) research results;

  • shows communication skills by writing and presenting coherently and convincingly;

  • is able to react constructively to questions/feedback and connecting this feedback to his/her own position regarding his/her own research and in doing so showing an open, self-critical, yet firm and self-confident attitude;

  • is able to evaluate other research proposals in a critical yet constructive way;

  • is able to show professional conduct: being critical yet constructive and eager to improve oneself and in doing so contributing to the learning process of other students;

  • has developed understanding in (some) career possibilities as biomedical researcher.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures and tutorials.

Assessment method

The presentations of the research proposals and the process of judging the research proposals are assessed by the tutor.
Students will receive a grade between 1-10.

  • Proposal 70%

  • Participation 20%

  • Final presentation 10%

No grade without participation and presentation.

Reading list

Website for background information: The Foundation Center’s Proposal Writing Short Course


Registration for FOS courses, H2W, Scientific Conduct, Course on Lab Animal Sciences and CRiP takes place in lottery rounds in the beginning of July. After the lottery rounds: if you want to register for a course you are kindly asked to contact the student administration at

