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Stem cells, regeneration and development


Admission requirements


Period: 21 October 2024 - 15 November 2024

Regenerative medicine is a rapidly moving field that aims to restore functionality of tissue that is lost due to disease or trauma. Restoration of tissue function is achieved by stimulation of the regenerative potential of tissue-resident stem cells or their supporting cells, stem cell transplantation, tissue and genetic engineering or a combination of these approaches. This course will provide insight into the current state of scientific developments in regenerative medicine. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the field of regenerative medicine, this course will touch upon different fields such as (stem) cell biology and the (developmental) biology of stem cells that underly the development of different organ systems.

We will address the following topics:
1. Early embryonic development and pluripotent stem cells
2. Adult stem cells in different organ systems
3. The stem cell niche
4. Gene editing technologies
5. Creative thinking and storytelling
6. Development of therapeutic applications
7. The business of regenerative therapies

This course is designed to mimic the experience of being a scientist. Lectures will be given by experts in their field, who will teach a mix of background information and actual developments from their own science, much like what happens at a scientific conference.

Note that there will be no textbooks, syllabi or PowerPoint lecture handouts provided! Instead, students will rely on their lecture notes. In addition, for each lecture, two students will be assigned to prepare the official notes, which will be reviewed by the lecturer for completeness. Learning how to distill and document key concepts from the lectures, rather than memorizing details and learning how to make proper lecture notes is one of the goals of this course. This course demands a significant commitment to active participation.

In addition to the lectures, the course features a unique collaborative element involving students from the history department and the Boerhaave museum. This fosters interdisciplinary cooperation, simulating real-worl scientific collaborations that often occur across different fields. Teams will work together to write a short story centered around an object at the Boerhaave museum associated with regenerative medicine. Creative thinking and storytelling are essential elements of scientific research and these skills can be trained. This exercise aims to do exactly that. It not only deepens the students' understanding of the subject but also encourages them to think about regenerative medicine in a broader historical and cultural context, enhancing their ability to communicate complex ideas to a diverse audience. This approach cultivates skills in research, teamwork, storytelling, and creative thinking, which are crucial for a successful career in the scientific community.

The course requires full-time attendance, with topics presented in 3-4 days blocks, comprising lectures, interactive discussions, and student presentations. This course will be conducted in English.

Course objectives

  • Understanding of Regenerative Medicine Principles: Gain a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of regenartive medicine, including tissue restoration through stem cell stimulation, transplantation, and engineering.

  • Knowledge of Stem Cell Biology: Develop a deep understanding of (stem) cell biology and the developental processes of stem cells that contribute to the formation of various organ systems.

  • Exploration of Therapeutic Applications: Learn about the development and application of therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine, including gene editing technologies and the creation of regenerative therapies.

  • Effective Note-taking and Concept Distillation: Develop skills in effective note-taking and the ability to distill and document key concepts from lectures, moving away from rote memorization.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Engage in interdisciplinary collaboration to foster broader perspectives and cooperative skills.

  • Associative and Creative Thinking: Cultivate associative and creative thinking skills.

  • Communication and Storytelling Skills: Enhance communication skills ans the ability to articulate complex scientific ideas through storytelling and creative writing.

  • Research and Presentation Skills: Develop research skills and the ability to effectively present scientific information and ideas in a clear, concise manner.

  • Understanding of the Business Aspect: Gain insights into the commercial aspects of regenerative therapies, including market analysis, business model generation and pricing strategies.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

The course will be based on lectures and a workshop by experts and cover past and current developments in the field. In addition, reading and discussions of relevant literature will be an important interactive aspect of the course.

Assessment method

Summative assessment:

  • Written exams

  • Writing assignment

  • Presentation

Reading list

As outlined above, this course will not rely on a syllabus, book or PowerPoint handouts and these will not be provided. Students will take their own notes and critical note taking is one of the course objectives. Papers related to the lectures will also be provided.


Registration for FOS courses, H2W, Scientific Conduct, Course on Lab Animal Sciences and CRiP takes place in lottery rounds in the beginning of July. After the lottery rounds: if you want to register for a course you are kindly asked to contact the student administration at

