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Other approved electives


All specialisation courses can be followed as electives in all other master specialisations.
Below you will find a list of courses from biology related Institutes (Faculty of Science or LUMC) which are approved by the Board of Examiners and can be followed as electives.

You are free to look for other elective courses that are not in this list from other master specialisations in the e-Prospectus. Make sure you check whether the course is registered as ‘Elective choice’. For these courses you have to ask for permission from the Board of Examiners before the start of the course. You can do this via a petition request form.

Admission requirements

To start elective courses you need to have succesfully completed the Orientation course, and established a concept MSc programme approved by the Study Adviser.

For admission requirements for the specific courses, please look at the course description of that course and contact the listed course coordinator whether you can participate in the course.


For specific information about admission requirements, registration and schedules you can contact the course coordinator that is mentioned in the course description, see e-Prospectus of the MSc specialisation organizing the course.

Faculty of Science

Biopharmaceutical Sciences

  • Regulatory Toxicology - Advanced non-animal approaches for chemical safety assessment (level 500, 4 EC)

  • Signal Transduction and Hallmarks of Cancer (level 500, 4 EC)

  • Drug Delivery (level 500, 4 EC)

Life Science and Technology

  • In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) (level 500, 6 EC)

Biomedical Sciences

  • Molecular Virology of RNA Viruses (level 500, 6EC)