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Graduation Project (Media Technology MSc)


Admission requirements

Media Technology MSc students


The Media Technology MSc Thesis project is generally the completing curricular element for students. In short, graduates complete an academic study, from start to finish, that derives new knowledge, insights or views. The results of this project are described in the written thesis, and possibly other products.

Graduates are supervised by two thesis advisors. The principle advisor is assigned at the start of the project, while a secondary advisor is selected by the graduate and first advisor. Generally, the principle advisor is from the Media Technology MSc program, whereas the secondary advisor is external.

Each student chooses an individual topic or theme on which they would like to graduate. They then formulate their own scientific question and setup a research to answer it. Personal inspiration can play a large role in coming up with a research question, and creativity is typically required to answer it. Some graduation projects create a "product": something that can be experienced — seen, smelled, tasted, touched or heard; ranging from an interactive object to a piece of software, book, or film. Others are an empirical study or design study. The Media Technology MSc program is open to a great variety of research forms.

The research motivation, context, and outcomes are described by the student (also) in written form, the thesis. Although the thesis too can take many forms, like a book or an essay, it most often is in the style of a scientific-style paper, that could be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal or conference (in principle, or in fact).

Another part of every graduation project is the graduation presentation, which is generally a 25 minute (conference style) presentation, followed by a discussion. These are given by the graduate within public sessions that are planned throughout the year (see the Media Technology MSc program calendar).

See also the list of completed Media Technology MSc theses.

Course objectives

Completion of the Media Technology graduation project implies that students are able to:

  • work as an independent, autonomous researcher;

  • formulate a meaningful research question that adds knowledge to an academic field, or alternatively creates a new insight based on academic research;

  • situate this question within existing research from that academic field;

  • design and execute a (typically creative) method to answer this question––this involves suitable ways of generating/collecting research insights/data, and analysing these such that relevant conclusions can be drawn;

  • formulate the answer in the form of a scientific-style paper, potentially accompanied by other forms of output;

  • share and discuss research research insights with academic peers as well with a broader audience during the graduation presentation.


Mode of instruction

Thesis MA. See also the related course "Graduation Lab" of the Media Technology MSc programme.

Assessment method

The thesis, project execution, presentation, and other output will be assessed by at least two examiners, in accordance with the guidelines of the LIACS Board of Examiners.

Reading List



Contact the lecturer(s) for course specific questions, and the programme coordinator for questions regarding admission and/or registration.


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