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Reading Africa


Admission requirements

Admission to the Minor. See Target Group.


This subject explores the factors that shape contemporary Africa and its people, through the lens of multiple disciplines from the three participating institutions. The course objective is to gain a foundational understanding of significant factors that shape contemporary Africa, with the goal to establish a broad understanding of Africa’s past, present and future.

With time scheduled for discussions and debates, the seminars will foster a greater understanding of this extremely diverse and richly endowed continent. Students will receive further reading and references to online material to deepen their knowledge, and through creating a multimedia country profile they showcase their ability to integrate different factors that shape an African country.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion students will have:

  1. Acquired a foundational understanding of:
  • Significant factors that shape societies and cultures in contemporary Africa;

  • Dynamic characteristics and diversity of African states and their people;

  • Africa’s role in a globalised world and the socio-economic and geo-political issues at play;

  • Methodological and ethical approaches to African studies.

  1. Developed skills and competencies to:
  • Critically search, structure and evaluate information about African states;

  • Consider relevant aspects in the analysis of complex questions;

  • Communicate own secondary research data through multimedia sources;


Week 35 –38. Timetable will be available on LEI Brightspace

Mode of instruction

  • Online and classroom lectures & seminars

  • Campus visits

Course load

5 EC x 28 hours= 140 hours

  • In-class contact hours: 78 hours

  • Integrated Assignments: 62 hours

Assessment method and weights

Country Profile multi-media assignment: 70%
P2P Feedback: 20%
Country Portal Review; 10%

Resit, inspection and feedback

Same subtest as the first, within given timeframe.


Leiden University Brightspace platform will be used for:

  • Announcements

  • Timetable

  • Course information

  • Documents

  • Discussions

  • Pitch2Peer

  • Grades

  • Calendar

Reading list

Prescribed reading available in the syllabus (Strive to mostly use library and open source online publications).

Registration à la carte and contract education

This course is part of the African Dynamics LDE Minor and can only be taken within the framework of participation in the minor.


Minor Coordinator: Madi Ditmars
Back to African Dynamics homepage.


Not applicable