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Byzantine Archaeology


Admission requirements

This is a seminar with a limited number of participants (20 students), for Archaeology students exclusively.


This course explores various aspects of the dynamic and transformative period between Antiquity and the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean and the Near East from an archaeological perspective. The main focus is on the Early Byzantine and Early Islamic periods (300-1000 CE).

The Aegean heartland and its strategically located capital Constantinople (combined with Roman imperial heritage) gave Byzantium a unique and dominant position. The Byzantine Empire proved resilient during various devastating centuries and formed a focal point of long-distance contact and exchange. Throughout its long existence, Byzantium was influenced by neighboring civilizations (among which the Early Islamic Caliphates).

Transformation and continuation, conquest and disintegration, and growth and contraction were the historical ebbs and flows of the Late Antique/Early Byzantine world. Questions raised can be: how much of the Late Roman past continued and what did change? What do we mean by ‘Byzantium’? How (dis)similar was it from the Roman Empire and other Post-Roman states? Can we distinguish a ‘break’ between the ancient and medieval worlds?

Apart from famous monuments and historic landmarks, attention is paid to economy and commerce, conflict and natural catastrophes, power systems and state formation, and the rise, spread, and impact of new religions. Topics for discussion can range from the Arabic-Islamic expansion and the 7th-century crisis to the Silk Roads.

These themes and questions will be explored with an archaeological focus. Developments in both towns and the countryside (from large urban centers to rural settlements) will be discussed. Furthermore, the sea is essential. Differences between well-connected coastal zones and remote inland areas will be discussed. How did people, objects, and ideas move? What was the impact of maritime travel and exchange?

The course starts with a general layout of the module. The successive meetings include introductory lectures on the themes and case studies of the week. This is followed by student presentations on weekly topics accompanied by group discussions. One class consists of a hands-on-material practical during which the students get acquainted with late antique and medieval ceramics from the Mediterranean and the Near East.

Course objectives

After this course, students

  • have obtained primary knowledge about the cultural, social, and economic changes that took place in Late Antiquity and the (early) medieval Mediterranean and Near East;

  • can reflect upon the key archaeological evidence on which this knowledge is based;

  • have the ability to critically reflect on both data and their interpretation in discussions and writing;

  • have learned how to write a balanced essay, expressing a critical assessment of relevant literature and one’s own well-argued opinion, while making use of feedback from group discussions and presentations.


Course schedule details can be found in MyTimetable.
Log in with your ULCN account, and add this course using the 'Add timetable' button.

Mode of instruction

  • Seminar with lectures, a material practical, student presentations, and group discussions;

  • Reading list.

Assessment method

  • Active participation in the class discussions (10%);

  • Quality of the presentation and weekly assignments (short abstracts of 200-400 words) (40%);

  • Quality of the final essay of ca. 2000 words and an abstract of ca. 500 words (50%).

All essays must be submitted through Turnitin/Brightspace, and only on-time Turnitin/Brightspace submissions count. A retake is only possible for the final essay, and only if all other requirements have been met and a genuine and complete first final essay has been submitted.

Assessment deadlines:
The dates of exams and retakes can be found in MyTimetable. The deadlines of papers, essays and assignments are communicated through Brightspace.

Reading list

The reading list will be published on Brightspace, two weeks before the first meeting. Students will assemble additional reading for case studies as part of their presentation.


Registration start dates for the BA2 seminars differ from the registration dates of the regular courses.

Registration will take place with the use of forms. These will be e-mailed by the Administration Office to all BA2 students at the beginning of October.


For more information about this course, please contact Prof. Dr. J.A.C (Joanita) Vroom.


Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended. Attendance and active participation influence grading.