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Special Topics in Digital Humanities


Admission requirements

This course is open only to students of the 30 EC minor Digital Humanities.


In this course, students will deepen their understanding of core problems in digital humanities and gain further experience in one or more of the methodologies learned in the core courses through the development of a digital project.
With the help of the instructors, students will work on a digital humanities project from start to finish. They will choose roles depending on their interests and abilities, identify relevant literature, collect data, choose appropriate methods, analyse/visualize data and present the results. To achieve this, each week students will meet an advisor to discuss their progress and comment on each other's progress. Students will choose various sub-tasks related to the project, culminating in a co-written research paper and poster presentation.

Course objectives

At the end of the course, the students will be able:

  • to develop a digital humanities project from start to finish;

  • gain in-depth knowledge in one of the core areas of digital humanities;

  • employ critical thinking skills in the analysis of digital technologies.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

  • Seminar

Assessment method


  • Project, including a report

  • Poster presentation based on paper/project

  • Attendance and participation in seminar panel discussions


  • Project : 60% of grade

  • Poster presentation: 20% of grade

  • Attendance and participation: 20% of grade

The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average. The grade for the project needs to be at least a 5.5.


Students who have scored an insufficient grade for the final project may take a resit.

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

The up-to-date syllabus, which includes all of the readings for the course, will be posted on Brightspace.


General information about registering for courses and exams can be found here.


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturers listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc., contact the Education Administration Office: Reuvensplaats.


Attendance and active participation are obligatory. Students are required to prepare for and attend all sessions. The convenor needs to be informed without delay of any classes missed for a good reason (i.e. due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, family issues, problems with residence permits). The maximum of such absences during a semester is two. Being absent without notification and/or more than two times can result in exclusion from the term end exams and a failing grade for the course.