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Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-3 (BAST-3)


Admission requirements


Themes of BAST in the third year In the second year of the study, Biomedical Academic Scientific Training (BAST) was focused on the process of biomedical research. In the third year this will be further extended. The specific themes of the third year are:

  • Clinical practice;

  • Biomedical research in relation with clinical practice;

  • Ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research;

  • Philosophy of scientific knowledge.

Content In the third year, BAST-3 will focus on applying scientific skills that were obtained during the previous two years. Especially, students will learn to apply biomedical research for research questions that relate to diagnosis, treatment, or the biology behind human diseases. Moreover, philosophical aspects of knowledge will be discussed.

Like in the first two bachelor years, a year assignment must be carried out. This assignment involves translation of a clinical problem into a biomedical research approach. A report, in a grant application form, must be prepared that presents and discusses the background, research question, plan of investigation, and expected results of the project, placed in a clinical and societal context.

Implementation Like in the first two years, education and training of this line is integrated in the thematic modules. Moreover, one line module is scheduled: “Theories of Science”, focused on theme 4. The year assignment is scheduled next to the modules and must be carried out throughout the year. Either in the second or third bachelor year, the students must attend the two-yearly scheduled LIMSC (Leiden International Medical Student Conference) and make a report.

Course Objectives

The student:

  • shows academic skills, with emphasis on: information retrieval.

  • shows professional conduct by being able to collaborate adequately with peers, peer review skills; discussion debate skills.

  • shows insight in the foundations and presuppositions of science.

  • shows insight in biomedical research in a broader social context: social consequences of research and ethical framework applicable on research themes.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Assessment method

  • Integrated in the different modules;

  • Evaluation of the report of the year assignment.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, see the Study Materials List BW 2024-2025.


To participate in workgroups and exams students must register with uSis.


Coordinator BAST:
Prof. Dr. P.S. (Pieter) Hiemstra

Coördinator BAST jaaropdracht (BAST BW3)
Dr. ir. R. (Roel) Bijkerk
Afdeling Interne Geneeskunde, onderdeel Nierziekten
Kamernummer C-07-036
Telefoonnummer: 68148

Dhr. dr. R. (Raymond) Noordam
Afdeling Interne Geneeskunde, onderdeel Ouderengeneeskunde
Kamernummer C-07-122
Telefoonnummer: 66638


Concerning the ECTS: One credit is obtained for the year assignment. Apart from that, ECTS for BAST are integral part of the modules and not separately specified.