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Advanced Fetal and Neonatal Care


Admission requirements

See Brightspace for the admission requirements.

International Students should have an adequate background in Medicine. Admission will be considered based on CV and motivation letter.
For more information, please contact


This course will highlight special advanced care for fetuses and neonates.
The course will start with two weeks of basic obstetric and neonatal care. We will pay special attention to the pivotal role of the placenta. We will also emphasize the transition from uterus to open air. These two themes (placenta and transition) will recur almost every week of the course.
For instance: students will get the possibility to examine placenta’s from single and multiple pregnancies; student will train in the resuscitation of new-borns.

In the following weeks we will address in detail:

  • the monochorial pregnancy

  • extreme preterm birth

  • fetal and neonatal cor vitium and

  • fetal and neonatal allo-immunisation.

In addition we will pay attention to ethical problems in these complicated pregnancies and how the children develop when they become older.

Course objectives

  1. Understand the physiology of a pregnancy, a delivery and the transition of a healthy neonate.
  2. Show ability to resuscitate a newborn baby
  3. Explain and determine the problems that can occur with twin pregnancies, extreme preterm birth, fetal/neonatal hart abnormalities and fetal/neonatal anemia.
  4. Perform a literature search on a specific subject; critically assess the quality of the literature (with regards to limitation, pitfalls and methodology); clearly communicate your findings to others in a short presentation
  5. Write a research proposal on a relevant subject with one or two other students. Combine current literature, your imagination, curiosity and insights from local or (inter)national experts to create an excellent proposal.
  6. Take responsibility for one’s learning process by being an active group discussant, asking for feedback and giving feedback to other group members and/or group leaders when necessary.
  7. Collaborate with another student in the development of a research proposal in the fetal or neonatal field


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, hands on sessions, medical meetings, workgroups, flipping the classroom, self-study assignments.

Assessment method

Knowledge test (Week 4 and 9)
An open question test consisting 5 questions.
Rating: grade 1-10.
The ratings determines 40% of the final score.
Assessed by: the module committee.

Presentation (Week 1-9):
Presentation of a critical literature search.
Rating: grade 1-10.
What is rated? The rating is based on the presentation as well as the preparation of the contents of the presentation.
The rating determines 10% of the final score.
Assessed by: the teachers present during the week.

Skill test (Weeks 2):
The skill test will contain the neonatal life support.
Rating: PASS/FAIL. In case of FAIL one rematch is possible.
Assessed by: The module committee.

Final presentation of a research proposal (Week 10):
In groups of two the students present the rationale of their topic (why did I choose this topic), show how they obtained the literature, how they assessed the literature, and their conclusions.
Rating: Score of 1 to 10; the rating determines 10% of the final score.
Assessed by: The module committee.

The research proposal (Week 10):
The research proposal will be assessed looking at the literature search and summary; the adequacy of the proposed design of the study; the creativity of the proposal and the writing process itself (the exact Rubric will be published on Brightspace).
Rating: Score of 1 to 10; the rating determines 40% of the final score.
Assessed by: The module committee.

The students have to participate in all exams. In case of special circumstances, an
alternative date may be sought. Presence will be monitored.

One single rematch is possible.

Overall score
The overall score is determined by:

  • the short presentations (10%)

  • the final presentation and report (50%)

  • the knowledge test (40%)

Examination committee: Prof dr E Lopriore, Prof dr A.B. te Pas, dr. Klarke Boor and drs. Ellis Eshuis-Peters
Examination dates + debriefing date: will be announced.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Information about the registration process can be found on the Brightspace course Half Minors.


Mrs. dr. K. Boor (Klarke)
071 526 2896

Mrs. Drs. E. Peters (Ellis)
Neonatology E.
071 526 62909


For more information about this minor, please watch this video.