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Future perspectives


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree and admission to Master Health, Ageing and Society.


The organisation of our ageing society needs innovation. The master starts with an intensive one-week introduction to learn about vitality and the ageing field. This course is developed as trunk for the three educational lines in the masters programme: Communication in Science, Research and Evidence and Academic Development. During this week, you will experience the importance of the development of academic skills and the value to be social connected with older people. Through combining these different perspectives on health, ageing and society, you will get insight in the most important aspects of the master Health, Ageing amd Society.

Themes that are included:

  • Introduction to the master staff, coordinators and fellow students.

  • Perspectives on the master’s program

  • Introduction to the societal challenges combining biology of vitality and ageing, the older individual and the organisation of the ageing society

  • Perspectives on becoming older: personal experiences and discussions with older persons

  • Start of training in academic skills and communication: interdisciplinary cooperation, creative thinking, team roles, writing and presenting.

Course objectives

The student:

  • is able to place his/her research in the perspective of health, ageing and society

  • is able to present research in a clear and structured manner

  • is able to work interdisciplinary in a professional way, mobilizing complementary skills in teams

  • is able to open up to the perspectives of older people and be aware of the value these perspectives


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

Interactive lectures, working groups and assignments

Assessment method

  • Completion of compulsory assignments described in the assessment plan

  • Active participation

  • The final grade is a pass/fail.

  • Students are expected to be actively engaged in discussion of the content and in the activities scheduled in the programme.

If an assessment of the course is not passed or completed, the student will get a retake or has to fulfil an alternative assessment.

Reading list

Will be published on Brightspace.


All students will be automatically enrolled for workgroups.


Prof.dr. Jacobijn Gussekloo. email:
