
nl en

Organisation of the ageing society


Admission requirements

Bachelor degree and admission to Master Health, Ageing and Society.


The organisation of our ageing society is undergoing change and needs further innovation. Given the increasing incidence of chronic diseases and their combined occurrence, especially in older persons, it is essential to implement more effective strategies to prevent and manage the consequences. Also, interventions to improve vitality and autonomy of older persons are essential. This demands important changes in organisation of healthcare. Students will become acquainted with different models of care, such as the chronic care model, integrated care model and preventive care model. They will also learn to understand influential applications such as value based healthcare and triple aim. The Dutch healthcare system will be used as a starting point from which international differences will be described and analysed. Theory and applications will relate to organisation of public health care, primary care and long-term care and hospital care.

In this course, students gain an understanding of the governance of the ageing society. The focus will be on macro-level governance systems, meso-level management and financial challenges and leadership strategies, and micro-level interactions between professionals and the older persons. Innovation will be needed in all types of organisations and in governmental policy. In this course we will compare international health care policies. This will be on national level, regional level and local level. A main point of interest will be how to use networks in management, how to change organisations to implement innovations and how to involve older persons in these changes and innovation. This new governance of the ageing society has many challenging aspects, which will be studied.

Course objectives

The student:

  • is able to explain what the basic models of health care structures and models of care are and identify their differences/similarities and strengths/weaknesses

  • is able to recognise and describe healthcare governance and different types of leadership strategies used to manage organisations and how it impacts professionals reactions to change and is able to apply these in simulated situations.

  • is able to combine and apply elements of a healthcare system in an innovative way while weighing and arguing advantages and disadvantages of the choices this entails.

  • is able to analyze problems related to the organization of the ageing society and make decisions from a governance and management perspective in the organisation of the care or cure of older people

  • is able to understand and analyze knowledge about the governance of elderly care based on existing research, reports and empirical data

  • is able to explain the international differences in healthcare structures and access to health care caused by differences in policy, populations and different contexts.

  • is able to systematically analyse opportunities and challenges in diverse national and international health care settings and formulate innovative policy recommendations on the basis of this analysis.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, working groups, self-study, practical week-assignments, orientation visits and serious gaming.
The educational lines Communication in Science and Academic Development accommodate the programme and/or the assignments of this course.

Assessment method

  • Written exam

  • Policy paper

  • Leadership game

  • Completion of compulsory assignments described in the assessment plan

  • The final grade is based on the written exam (50%) and the policy paper (40%) and the leadership game (10%). Credits will only be given if all compulsory assessments are completed.

  • The policy paper will also be assessed separately by Communication in Science. The leadership game is an integrated assessment with Academic Development.

  • Students are expected to be actively engaged in discussion of the content and in the activities scheduled in the programme.

If the written essay exam is not passed, the student will get a retake.
If another assessment or mandatory part of the course is not passed or completed, the student will get a retake or revision or has to fulfil an alternative assignment.

Reading list

Will be published on Brightspace.


All students will be automatically enrolled for workgroups and exams.


Prof.dr. Jacobijn Gussekloo. email:


Elective students
Please contact the study advisor if you want to apply for this elective. Additional information can also be requested from the study advisor. You can contact the study advisor via

Study trips
For the study trip to Brussels, we request students to pay around 100 euros for travel and meal expenses.