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Thesis Seminars Political Science - Information and Deadlines Spring 2025


Course Objectives

1. To deepen the understanding of theories and methods related to research on the theme of the Master Specialisation.
2. Applying them to a specific topic as part of the student’s Master thesis project.

General Introduction Meeting

On 2 December 2024, 17.15h, there will be a general introduction meeting ONLINE, in which the instructors will explain and discuss the general thesis seminar procedures and expectations and students can ask questions about the thesis seminars. Students will receive an invitation with Zoom-link by email.


Registration in MyStudymap for one thesis seminar is possible from Wednesday 11 December 2024 13.00h until Sunday 5 January 2025, 23.59h. Placement is on a first come first served basis and subject to availability.

If you previously failed your thesis seminar or you started your study before September 2024, you need the permission from the Board of Examiners to (re)take the thesis seminar.

Students can take the thesis seminar only once in their academic year.

General Information

To ensure timely completion of the Master thesis, it is essential for students to follow the steps as described subsequently and as shown in the time table below. Attendance is compulsory in all meetings of the thesis seminar. It is strongly recommended that students start thinking about the topic of their MSc thesis at an early stage.

Formal Requirements

The MSc Political Science program requires the writing of a thesis (20 ECTS points) as the final product of a thesis seminar, in addition to successful completion of the five courses. In general, the thesis should not exceed 10,000 words, inclusive of tables, footnotes, and bibliography.

Working on the MSc thesis starts with writing a research proposal. The research proposal must include a problem statement, theoretical foundation, conceptualization and, if applicable, operationalization of key variables, and present the methodology and techniques for data collection and analysis.

The MSc thesis needs to comply with high standards of academic research and writing. It is important that the thesis is consistent, clear and original in the sense of constituting an own contribution to ongoing research. In various courses offered in this program, students learn how to conduct research and how to write academic papers. Among the criteria used to evaluate the thesis are its originality, consistency, academic (and, if applicable, societal) relevance, the choice of an adequate theoretical framework, the correct application of analytical methods, the quality of the data collection, and the presentation of the text.

The first and final versions of the thesis should adhere to the following formatting and layout requirements:

The thesis should include a cover page stating the title, the student’s name, student number, course specialization, word count, submission date, and the names of the supervisor and of the second reader.
The thesis should include a short abstract (maximum 200 words).
The thesis should be typeset in an appropriate font, such as Times New Roman, size 12, double line spacing. Pages should be numbered. The layout of the text and formatting of tables and figures should conform to standards for political science research articles.
The thesis should use a consistent style of referencing throughout.
The thesis seminar instructor can provide additional advice, requirements and/or guidelines regarding layout and formatting.

Working on the research proposal

During January, students are expected to read the literature for their thesis seminar as announced on Brightspace by their thesis seminar teacher. Students should also individually search for literature and background information concerning their specific research topics. Students must use the assigned literature to start working on their research proposal that will be further developed in the first part of the thesis seminar.

Thesis seminar classes

Attendance is compulsory in the thesis seminar classes. Participation in the thesis seminar classes, the assignments for these classes, and the final version of the research proposal constitute the ‘practical part’ of the course and are all mandatory and a condition of entry to the examination for the thesis (i.e. writing the thesis itself). The final grade for the thesis seminar is based on the grade received for the thesis. It is of utmost importance that students attend all seminar classes and have a thesis proposal of high quality and academic standards finalized during the first part of the thesis seminar.

Submitting final version of research proposal

The deadline for submitting the final version of the research proposal (through Turnitin) is stated below. An approved proposal is essential for the start of the thesis-writing process. Although students may continue working on their thesis without a formally approved proposal, they are then doing so ‘on their own’ (thesis seminar teachers are no longer obliged to provide supervision). The proposal must be approved by the supervisor and by a second reader. The second reader will be designated by the Director of Studies. Once the supervisor and second reader accept the research proposal, a copy of the proposal will be submitted to the student’s file of academic records.

Working on first complete draft of the Master thesis

After the approval of the research proposal by their supervisor and the second reader, students work individually on their thesis for about seven weeks. During this phase, students have solely individual meetings and in exceptional cases group meetings.

Submitting final version of Master thesis

In the days following submission, the thesis seminar instructor will read the first complete draft of the thesis. During this period, students can double-check various aspects of their thesis, such as references, bibliography, data or facts, preparing for last corrections on their work. After the supervisor’s comments on the first complete draft have been received, students revise their thesis. The deadline for submitting the final version of the Master thesis is stated below. Students submit this final version to their supervisor and to their second reader. The supervisor and second reader (both members of the departmental faculty) together decide on the final grade for the thesis. This final grade is communicated to students within 15 working days.

Final meeting with supervisor

Students get the opportunity to review the thesis assessment form (the “student form”) and, if they so wish, receive feedback from the supervisor in a final meeting. All assessment forms are electronically submitted to the Student Service Centre by the supervisor and are added to the student’s file of academic records. Students who pass the their master thesis, should submit their thesis to the student repository.


When students fail their master thesis, they can rewrite and resubmit their thesis. This option is only available if a full and complete final thesis was submitted on the set deadline. The student uses the comments given by both readers to do this, but there is no further supervision during the rewriting process. The deadline for this resubmission is two weeks after they received their grade. The rewritten thesis will be graded by the first and the second reader again, but there is no supervision in the meantime and students will receive their grade within 3 calendar weeks. However, their might be a delay in case the supervisor or second reader take their yearly leave during this period. In these instances, the student will be informed about when they can expect their grade.

Time Table MSc Thesis Seminar - Spring semester 2025

January 2025
Students study literature list (announced on Brightspace) and start working on their research proposal.

Monday 3 February
Start of thesis seminar classes and actual supervision

Monday 17 March, 12 noon
Deadline – Students submit final version of research proposal to the supervisor and second reader.

By Friday 28 March
Final version of research proposal approved by supervisor and second reader. Supervisor discusses any comments with the students.

Saturday 29 March – Sunday 11 May
Time period devoted to individual work on the thesis, including individual and/or small group meetings.

Monday 12 May, 12 noon
Deadline – Students submit the first complete version of their Master thesis to the supervisor.

by Friday 23 May
Feedback and comments on first complete version of the thesis by supervisor.

Saturday 24 May – Sunday 8 June
Revision of the thesis.

Tuesday 10 June, 12 noon
Deadline – Students submit the final version of the Master thesis to the supervisor and second reader.

by Friday 27 June
Supervisor and second reader decide on the grade for the thesis and inform the student about this outcome.