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Western Visual Arts and Architecture – 2000 Part II


Admission requirements

Similar to the admission requirements for the BA Art History.


This course is the continuation of the first-semester survey of Western Visual Arts and Architecture. In this course sequence students are presented with an overview of the art and architectural history of the “western” world until the early 21st century.

Focusing on a series of developments and transformations in European art, ca. 1500-1800, we will examine artifacts (paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, maps, medals, buildings, landscapes) in relation to their immediate contexts, while also taking note of their larger global entanglements. A close reading of chapters 21-27 in Gardner’s Art Through the Ages. A Global History (16th edition) provides the requisite foundation for further art historical study. This textbook will be supplemented by excerpts from primary sources, important examples of secondary literature, and multimedia “knowledge clips.” The course lectures will draw on material from the assigned readings, but they will also take aim at the soft underbelly of the “traditional” survey format, questioning its methodological assumptions and tracing its historiographical roots. Ideally, students will emerge from this class with a broader understanding of artistic developments in early modern Europe and a nascent ability to understand and crtically assess art historical narratives.

Course objectives

By the end of the course, students will have:

  • gained experience with close looking and analysis of key works of art and architecture from the sixteenth century until the nineteenth century;

  • learned how to recognize and date artworks and buildings made in this period;

  • learned how to draw connections and make comparisons between artworks (further developing their analytical skills);

  • learned how to formulate questions about artworks and their contexts (further developing their oral communication skills);

  • gained insight into the functions of art and the relationships that connect artworks to theoreticians, patrons, and diverse audiences;

  • gained familiarity with different academic approaches in art history, in particular for the interpretation of works of art and architecture.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

  • Lecture

Assessment method


Two written examinations with closed questions (multiple choice):

  • Midterm exam, weighted 50% (on the contents of lectures 1-6).

  • Final exam, weighted 50% (on the contents of lectures 7-12).


The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average. To pass the course, the weighted average of the partial grades must be 5.5 or higher.

For both exams a mark below 5.0 is not allowed, and will result in an automatic resit.


A resit can be done for constituent examinations which are failed. As far as applicable all resits will take place at the same time, after the final (constituent) examination.

The resit will consist of an open-book, open-note, take-home written examination with 4 open questions, designed to be answered in short, 400-word essays. Students will have one week to complete their responses.

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

Gardner’s Art Through the Ages. A Global History (16th edition). Supplementary readings and links to the multimedia “knowledge clips” will be made available on Brightspace.



Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.
General information about course and exam enrolment is available on the website

Registration À la carte education, Contract teaching and Exchange

Information for those interested in taking this course in context of À la carte education (without taking examinations), eg. about costs, registration and conditions.

Information for those interested in taking this course in context of Contract teaching (with taking examinations), eg. about costs, registration and conditions.
For the registration of exchange students contact Humanities International Office.



Not applicable.