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Research School Courses (ResMA History)


General information

The national Research Schools (Landelijke Onderzoeksscholen) offer courses on both methodology and area specific knowledge. Many researchers in the Faculty of Humanities are members of a research school related to their area of expertise. Research Schools aim at collaboration of researchers from different faculties in the same university (interfaculty schools) or in different universities (inter-university schools).

The Research School courses provide PhD and Research Master students with the opportunity to come into contact with fellow PhD and Research Master students from other universities.

Within the Research MA History, students are required to take courses at the Research School that is most relevant for their possible area of (thesis) research. Please note that the courses offered by the Research Schools differ in length and intensity and consequently in the amount of EC that are granted. Students are required to compose their own individual programme, amounting to at least 10 EC. Courses may be taken at more than one Research School, provided that the courses are relevant within the individual programme.

Recommended Research Schools

There are 16 different Research Schools to choose from, but the programme advises the following Research Schools per specialization:


  1. Student picks a Research School that is aligned to their ResMA specialization from the list of Research Schools (see list Research Schools above);

  2. Student informs the Coordinator of Studies (send e-mail to via uMail, listing the following information:
    -which Research School they have chosen;
    -student number;

  3. After the approval of the individual programme, student registers for the courses by e-mailing the Research School themselves;

  4. Upon completion, student turns in either:

i. an authenticated copy of their Research School certificate/grade at the Huizinga Education Administration Office;

ii. or, forward the original e-mail containing the Research School certificate via uMail to the Education Administration Office.