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Elective: Current Issues in Law and Society


Admission requirements

This course is open to students enrolled in the Master Law and Society.


Race in Law & Policing: Understanding Institutionalized Racism and Discrimination through Research & Art

Course Description:

This 7-week master-level course delves into the critical issues of race, law, and policing, focusing on the institutionalized racism and discrimination embedded within these structures. Through a blend of scholarly research and artistic interpretation, students will engage deeply with the challenges and dynamics of racial disparities in law enforcement and legal systems. This course is tailored for students interested in critically examining and addressing the complexities of racial dynamics within law enforcement and the broader legal system, encouraging a thoughtful, impactful approach to advocacy and reform.

The following overview - which is subject to change - gives an idea of what the course will cover during the lectures

Week 1: Introduction to Race, Law, and Policing

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Historical Context and Foundations of Institutionalized Racism
    o Overview of race and law in historical context
    o Key events and policies that shaped institutionalized racism
    o Comparative perspectives from the Global North and Global South

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Visualizing Historical Narratives
    o Introduction to the final project: A comprehensive multimedia installation
    o Initial brainstorming and planning session
    o Creating visual representations of key historical moments in race and law**

Week 2: The Legal Framework and Racial Disparities

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Legal Systems and Institutionalized Racism
    o Examination of laws and legal systems that perpetuate racial disparities
    o Case studies from different regions
    o Role of international human rights law

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Collage of Legal Narratives
    o Developing sections of the multimedia installation focusing on legal cases and racial disparities
    o Using collage techniques to represent the impact of legal systems on racial minorities
    o Integrating the visual representations from Week 1

Week 3: Policing and Racial Profiling

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement Practices
    o Understanding racial profiling and its effects
    o Data and research on racial disparities in policing
    o Personal narratives and testimonies

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Storytelling through Performance Art
    o Creating performance art pieces as part of the multimedia installation
    o Developing short performance pieces that illustrate the experiences of racial profiling
    o Recording or planning live performance elements for inclusion in the final project

Week 4: Resistance and Reform Movements

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Social Movements and Advocacy
    o Historical and contemporary movements for racial justice
    o Strategies for advocacy and reform
    o Case studies of successful resistance efforts

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Murals and Public Art
    o Designing and creating mural sections for the multimedia installation
    o Focusing on resistance and reform movements
    o Integrating performance art elements from Week 3

Week 5: Intersectionality and Global Perspectives

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Intersectionality in Law and Policing
    o Examining the intersections of race, gender, class, and other identities
    o Comparative analysis of different countries’ approaches to intersectional issues
    o Challenges and opportunities in global contexts

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Mixed Media Art on Intersectionality
    o Creating mixed media sections for the multimedia installation that reflect intersectional experiences
    o Incorporating diverse materials and techniques to express complex identities
    o Combining mural and mixed media art into a cohesive part of the final project

Week 6: Future Directions and Transformative Justice

Session 1: Active Discussion Lecture

  • Topic: Envisioning Transformative Justice
    o Concepts of transformative and restorative justice
    o Future directions for law and policing reforms
    o Role of education and community engagement in fostering change

Session 2: Artistic Workshop

  • Topic: Vision Boards for Justice
    o Crafting vision boards that depict aspirations for future justice and equity
    o Finalizing the multimedia installation with all elements created in previous weeks
    o Reflecting on personal and collective roles in achieving transformative justice

Week 7: Course Wrap-Up

Session 1: Active Discussion Session
o Review and reflection on the course content
o Final discussions on personal insights and action plans

Session 2: Final public Exhibition and presentation of the multimedia installation
o Students share their contributions and discuss the overall theme and message of the installation

Course objectives

The aims of the course are:

  • Develop a nuanced understanding of the role of race in the legal and policing frameworks, both historically and currently.

  • Critically analyze how art influences and can alter the discourse surrounding race and policing.

  • Compare and contrast global legal systems to identify effective strategies against racial discrimination in policing.

  • Employ intersectional approaches to tackle complex discrimination issues effectively in law enforcement contexts.

  • Learn how to apply artistic research to socio-legal problems and questions.


Check MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction

Interactive Lectures

  • Number of (3 hour) classes: 7

  • Number of (3 hour) workshops: 7

  • Names of lecturers: Maartje van der Woude and other (guest)lecturers

Assessment method

Examination form(s)

  • Weekly reflection papers that together form the final portfolio that will be assessed.

  • A comprehensive final artistic project that aims to influence discourse or policy on race in law and policing.

Submission procedures
To be announced.

Reading list

Obligatory course materials

  • Course materials will be posted on Brightspace.


Registration for courses and exams takes place via MyStudymap. If you do not have access to MyStudymap (guest students), look here (under the Law-tab) for more information on the registration procedure in your situation.  


  • Coordinator: Maartje van der Woude

  • Contact information: Secretariat KOG (Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden), B1.22

  • Telephone number: +31 (0)71 527 7552

  • Email:


  • Institute: Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law

  • Department: Van Vollenhoven Institute

  • Room number secretary: KOG (Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden), room B1.14

  • Opening hours: Monday till Friday

  • Telephone number secretary: +31 (0) 527 7260

  • Email:


This course will also be a Master Honours Course as offered through the Honours Academy and thus open to students from other faculties.