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Resistance, Revival and Change; Mechanisms and Expressions


Admission requirements

Not applicable.


In this course, the student will study practices and conflicts regarding modernity and its discourses in present-day Latin America. The students will further explore the topic of modernity within critical Latin American thinking by building on the knowledge of conceptual debates and critical thinking already gathered on the topic of modernity in the course Aproximaciones teóricas a la modernidad latinoamercana, which was given in the semester’s first bloc.

After having acquired insight into conceptual debates from the former course, in this one the student will be complemented with theoretical approaches in social studies. From here onward, the student will observe how modernity is lived out and the discourses of modernity circulated, so as to analyze the wide array of responses from civil society, its relation to the state, and how such expressions may influence the state-civil society relation.

Based on specific case studies across the cultural and national geographies of Latin America, the student will learn how citizens mobilize, change social relations, and produce culture regarding hegemonic definitions of citizenship, gender, ethnicity, class, and legitimacy within a broader and interdisciplinary approach.

Course objectives

**Intercultural skills **

  • Communicate in different languages: understand social, cultural and political nuances and communicate with invited lecturers about different academic and sociocultural areas.

**Research skills: **

  • Develop an adequate research question based on initial information gathering of academic and no-academic sources;

  • Design under supervision a research proposal, including a well-defined research question and methodological approach;

  • Search for and select academic literature and empirical data using traditional and digital methods and techniques;

  • Carry out an empirical analysis within the research scope and reach an elaborated conclusion.

Oral presentation skills:

  • Participate with proper reflection and insightful arguments in a clear and coherent way in in-class discussions;

  • Present and explain in a structured and clear fashion findings of an ongoing research project in the form of an individual presentation in class, using relevant illustration or multimedia techniques.

Project/time management skills and resilience:

  • Develop a sound and well-planned schedule in order to phase, plan and monitor one’s own work to complete with the course requirements on time concentrated during the semester’s second bloc;

  • Develop a working manner to ensure working effectively when deadlines approach and completing several tasks during the same period of time.


My Timetable

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

A final paper about one of the topics of the course. If the grade is lower than 6.0 there is a re-sit that consists of an improved version of the final paper. Active participation in the course’ seminar meetings is a requirement.

Reading list

To be announced.


Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.

General information about course and exam enrolment is available on the website.


  • For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar.

  • For questions about enrolment, admission, etc, contact the Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats


Not applicable.