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Methodology of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics


Admission requirements

Knowledge of Indo-European sound laws and Indo-European morphology


In this course, we will read and discuss a set of articles and book chapters on two specific topics in comparative Indo-European linguistics that are not covered by any of the other MA-courses in Indo-European. We will pay attention to the argumentation of the authors of the articles and to the validity of their arguments. We will also discuss the formal organisation of the articles: how are the facts presented, how explicit is the argumentation, how does the author use references and footnotes, etc

Course objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the state-of-the-art research in two areas of Indo-European studies. They will have developed the skills to critically assess the scholarly literature on Indo-European. They will also have learned how to summarize and analyze the argumentation in a scholarly publication and how to present this to an audience.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction

Students are expected to attend the weekly seminars of the BA course Readings in Indo-European Linguistics (5513VRIL) and a one-hour weekly tutorial, during which the students will give presentations about additional readings.

Assessment Method

The following elements form the assessment for this course:

  • Preparation and active participation (pass/fail)

  • Presentation and discussion of 1 literature item (30 %)

  • Final paper including one round of feedback (70 %)

The final grade consists of a weighted average of the above components. To meet the active participation requirement, the students must read each literature item, prepare at least one informed question about it and participate actively in the class discussion. For each missed or unprepared class, a 250 word summary of the literature item in question is required.

Each student will present one item from the literature list for discussion in class. For the final paper, the students will choose a topic within the overall topic of the course. The students must include literature from the reading list as well as additional literature.
To pass the course, the students must pass the active participation requirement and the overall grade for the presentation and the final paper must be sufficient (6 or higher).


There will be two rounds of submission for the final paper. The first submission is mandatory, but will not be graded. If the students hand it in on time, they will receive feedback to improve the paper for the final submission. There is no resit for the presentation during the course.

Exam Review

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

The literature to be read will be announced during the course Brightspace. It will consist of articles and book chapters in English, German and French.


Enrolment through My Studymap is mandatory

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

For the registration of exchange students contact [Humanities International Office] (


For substantive questions, contact the lecturer listed in the right information bar

For questions related to the content of the course, please contact the lecturer, you can find their contact information by clicking on their name in the sidebar.

For questions regarding enrollment please contact the Education Administration Office [Reuvensplaats] (

For questions regarding your studyprogress contact the [Coordinator of Studies] (