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Model European Union Simulation: Policies, Negotiations and Transatlantic Experiential Learning


Admission requirements

Honours FGGA students


This unique course offers highly motivated Honours Class student teams the opportunity to be trained for -and participate in- the international EuroSim Model European Union, taking place each year at a European or American partner university. The EuroSim event challenges students to take on the role of key policy-makers and member states in order to negotiate core policy proposals and outcomes during a four-day intensive simulation with over 200 participants from more than 20 universities. Each EuroSim has a specific theme related to the real-world policy agenda of the EU, helping students to deepen their knowledge of the EU and hone their public speaking, negotiating, leadership and diplomatic skills.

This course provides in-depth training for selected students and the exploration of core EU policy challenges and real-life negotiation skills in order to prepare the Honours Class student teams for their successful participation in the EuroSim simulation. If the simulation takes place in Europe 16 students will be able to partake in the simulation. If the simulation takes place in the US 4-5 students will be selected to participate. In both cases students will have to contribute between 200 (EU)-400 (US) euro.

The course seeks to explore negotiation, diplomatic tactics and techniques and in-depth knowledge of EU policy-making in an active and experiential manner, and places students at the centre of the learning process, by continuously engaging them through practitioner sessions, negotiation workshops, and an (optional) immersive four-day Model EU simulation on the legislative process. Students will understand the nature and functioning of major EU institutions, their power and role in the policy making process from a historical and theoretical perspective and will have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, by taking on the role of a policy maker and negotiating a legislative proposal with 200 peers from the EU and the US. Students will also delve deeply into the policy challenges related to the EU and major European, transatlantic, and global policy challenges. As a result of this practical experience students will become better problem-solvers and will have the chance to hone not only their negotiation skills, but also their inter-personal and inter-cultural skills and establish stimulating networks among an international and transnational cohort of learners.

Course objectives

At the end of this course students will:

  • Understand core historical, theoretical and practical aspects of the European integration process

  • Understand the role of the EU in tackling major policy issues from a European, transatlantic and global perspective

  • Understand the set-up and functioning of the EU’s major institutions and their role in the policy-making process

  • Have a good knowledge of the mechanisms and procedures that guide the legislative process

  • Identify and support the position of a given persona (alter ego) in the legislative process

  • Further transfer academic insights and research on relevant literature into real-life scenario and for real-life problem solving

  • Develop own negotiation strategies, by identifying and engaging with relevant stakeholders under time constrains

  • Develop collaborative, inter-personal and inter-cultural skills by working with large and diverse groups of students towards a common goal

  • Self-evaluate, reflect, and contribute to group debrief sessions after the Model EU simulation


On the right side of programme front page of the studyguide you will find links to the website and timetables, uSis and Brightspace.

Mode of instruction

Total study load: 140 hours
Contact hours: 21 hours

The course will be delivered through a mix of lectures, practitioner sessions, thematic workshops.

In January students will participate in a 4-day simulation in Antwerp.

Assessment method

Negotiation Strategy (30%)
Position Paper and Participation in the Model EU (50%)
Debrief & Self-reflection Assignment (20%)

Details for submitting papers (deadlines) are posted on Brightspace.

You can find more information about assessments on the website.

Grading: no compensation possible. All partial grades should be sufficient (> 5.50).

Reading list

The course will be supported by thematic readings, including relevant book chapters, articles, and policy papers. They will be made available via Brightspace




Silviu Piros
Professor Joachim A. Koops

Honours Coordinator: Annette Righolt;
