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Digital applications in mental health care


Admission requirements

This course builds on the knowledge acquired in the following Bachelor courses: Inleiding Pedagogische en Onderwijswetenschappen 2B, and Orthopedagogiek: individuele factoren.


In an era of modern technology, new and exciting opportunities to implement digital applications in mental health care are key to advancing the field of diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems in children and adolescents.
This course will provide students with insights in the opportunities, challenges and limitations of digital applications that have been developed to diminish social, behavioural and emotional problems.

Students will learn about digital interventions (such as serious games, virtual reality, online parent training and computerized cognitive training) that are available for clinical use within mental health care. Decisions to implement such techniques should be based on scientific evidence supporting effectiveness, embedded in the knowledge we have about (atypical) brain development, characteristics of the target population and ways to target psychological problems.

Considering the need to provide optimal and tailored mental health care for children and adolescents, students will learn to critically evaluate developments in the field of digital interventions.

Course objectives

  • By the end of the course, students are able to reflect on ethical aspects of digital developments in mental health care.

  • By the end of the course, students are able to identify the challenges and opportunities of developing and implementing digital interventions in mental health care.

  • By the end of the course, students are able to recognize the specific needs of several paediatric psychiatric populations regarding digital applications in mental health care.

  • By the end of the course, students have insights into the development of novel digital applications in mental health care.

  • By the end of the course, students are able to analyze the effectiveness of digital interventions.

  • Students are able to learn autonomically during the course by studying literature and by exploring existing digital interventions.

  • By the end of the course, students are able to interpret and critically evaluate scientific publications on digital interventions for psychiatric populations.

  • By the end of the course, students are able to communicate (both orally and in writing) on scientific insights regarding digital interventions in mental health care.


For the timetable of this course please refer to MyTimetable

Method of instruction

There will be lectures.

Method of assessment

The final grade is based upon a written exam, an essay and a presentation. Guidelines about the assignments, including AI use, can be found on Brightspace. The written exam consists of multiple-choice questions. The exam grade accounts for 40% of the final grade, the essay grade accounts for 30% of the final grade, and the presentation grade accounts for 30% of the final grade. The exam, essay and presentation all can be retaken once within the academic year in case of an insufficient grade.

The final grade should be sufficient (5,5 or higher) to pass the course. Students can pass the course with an insufficient score for the exam or essay, as long as the final grade is sufficient.

The presentation involves showing a digital intervention students developed themselves. In the process of developing this intervention, students will provide peer feedback on the digital intervention of a fellow student . The presentation of the digital intervention is evaluated individually.

Students who have failed one or two components of the assessment (either the exam, essay or presentation), but passed the other component(s), can keep their sufficient components in the following academic year. This implies that students only need to retake the component(s) of the course in the next academic year that were evaluated as insufficient. If in the next academic year the missing component(s) is/are still insufficient, the student need to retake the course completely including the sufficient component.


During this course Brightspace will be used.

Reading list

Scientific publications, to be announced on Brightspace.


Students must register themselves for all course components (lectures, tutorials and practicals) they wish to follow. You can register via My Studymap up to 5 days prior to the start of the course.

It is mandatory for all students to register for each exam and to confirm registration for each exam in My Studymap. This is possible up to and including 10 calendar days prior to the examination. You cannot take an exam without a valid pre-registration and confirmation in My Studymap.

NB If the exam concerns a paper or a practical assignment, you do not need to register in My Studymap.

Carefully read all information about the procedures and deadlines for registering for courses and exams.

Contact information

The co-ordinator of this course is dr. Carlijn Bergwerff.