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Political Elites: Recruitment, Behavior and Pathways


This seminar is earmarked for NECD, IP, DR, NP


Political elites, defined as small groups of individuals who exercise disproportionate power and influence, play a critical role in shaping governance and policy outcomes in political systems. This course delves into the intricacies of political elites by examining their career patterns, recruitment processes, and the duration and turnover within this influential group. Through an empirical lens, this course will investigate the mechanisms behind the formation and maintenance of political elites, assessing how these dynamics affect democratic representation and governance. Special attention will be given to the ambition and career trajectories of politicians, the selection and recruitment processes, and the challenges and opportunities faced by political elites in different political arenas.

Learning Goals:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Utilize concepts and theories from the political elite literature to explain the behavior and influence of political elites.
  2. Critically analyze the role and impact of political elites on governance.
  3. Independently collect and evaluate scientific evidence regarding the recruitment, behavior and career patterns of political elites.
  4. Communicate their understanding of political elites and their impact on politics to an academic audience.

Educational Format

Assessment Method


See 'Practical Information'


See 'MyTimetable'