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Letteratura e cinema: intermedialità nel Novecento


Admission requirements

Il corso verrà impartito interamente in lingua italiana per cui è richiesta una conoscenza dell'italiano scritto e parlato a livello B2.

You have a bachelor in Italian Language and Literature (or a bachelor in another modern language and culture) with a good knowledge of Italian.

Students from other tracks of Literary Studies or Media Studies are welcome provided they have a good reading and listening proficiency in Italian (Their written paper can be handed in in English or Dutch. Please contact the teacher before signing in).


Il corso apre con un'introduzione generale sulla nascita del cinema (e dell'impresa cinematografica) in Italia, che pur differendo dalla produzione letteraria del momento, ne è tuttavia collegato. Studiare le relazioni che intercorrono fra letteratura e cinema, porta a riflettere nello specifico sui vari processi di autonomizzazione che hanno segnato il cinema e la critica cinematografica fra gli anni Venti e Cinquanta del Novecento.
Particolare attenzione verrà consacrata al "Neorealismo" una corrente artistica (che si manifestò sia su carta che sullo schermo) collocata prevalentemente nel decennio 1945-1955.
Partendo da una lettura critica di alcuni studi recenti e autorevoli in cui si è cercato di definire e di delimitare il "Neorealismo", gli studenti impareranno a riconoscere le varie caratteristiche e avranno una maggiore comprensione delle problematiche legate al "genere".
La seconda parte del corso sarà dedicato ad una serie di seminari e laboratori pratici in cui gli studenti acquisiranno maggiore dimestichezza nell'analisi di testi e pellicole usciti prima e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale. Attraverso sei studi di caso (3 film e 3 testi) verranno studiati i meccanismi, le peculiarità e le possibilità di essi.
In chiusura del corso si avranno delle presentazioni in classe, seguite da una tavola rotonda.

Course objectives

  • knowledge of the historical significance and periodization of "neorealism" as an art movement

  • knowledge and insight into the most important works of "neorealism" (including historical background, cultural context, style principles and themes).

  • knowledge of / insight into the main theories and debates

  • ability to use relevant secondary literature in an oral and written assignment

  • ability to analyze and close-read narrative texts and images

  • ability to substantiate and defend interpretations in a class discussion

  • ability to receive and provide feedback on one's work and accordingly improve one's work.

  • Research MA students should reveal in their coursework a more nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between social formations and cultural productions by means of a more detailed and thorough theoretical/methodological framework.


Visit MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction

Choose from:

  • Lecture

  • Seminar

Assessment method

  • midterm assignment (approx. 2000 words): 20% of final mark

  • participation: 10%

  • oral presentation: 20 %

  • final paper (approx. 5000 words): 50%

  • Research MA students will have to engage with an extra task to be decided in consultation with the tutor.

The final mark is the weighted average of participation, Midterm Essay, oral presentation and final paper

Resit: only for the midtern essay and the final paper.

Exam review
How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list



This has to be filled out by the key-user of the department.

Enrolment through uSis is mandatory. You can register until two weeks after classes have started however students are advised to register as soon as possible and preferably before the start of the course. In the case of electives: please be aware that most electives have a maximum amount of students who can enroll. Do not approach the course instructor in case the class is full. You will automatically be put on a waiting list.

In case you have difficulties with registering for courses you may ask the student administration at Van Wijkplaats for assistance. Their e-mail address is [](mailto: Always include your name, student number, the course title and the concerning activity number (see schedule).

General information about uSis is available on the website

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Choose from the options below:

Registration Studeren à la carte
Registration (Contractonderwijs](

Not applicable


For questions about the content of the course, you can contact the teacher: Carmen van de Bergth Dr. Carmen van den Bergh

Dr. S. Cavalli

Student administration: Arsenaal
Coordinator of studies: Coordinator of studies: ms. Mr.drs. P.C. Lai


All other information.

Current e-mail address: