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Practicum Blended Learning


Admission requirements

Admission to the parttime Blended Learning advanced LL.M. programme in Air and Space Law.


For the Practicum, students are required to conduct research, write a report or an article, and give a presentation on their findings. The practicum allows students to shape their own project in a manner that best suits their professional profile, as well as their personal interest. For the written part of the project students may choose of the following three categories:

  • Write a legal article for a Law Journal on a topical subject in air or space law or produce an academic research paper or analytical report on an air or space law topic;

  • Conduct research (comparative analysis, cataloguing) on an air or space law subject; or

  • Solve a fictional or actual case study on an air or space law subject.

Students may perform this research within the context of a project devised for their current employment or that of another company or institution that handles issues within air or space law.

The purpose of the practicum is to provide the student with experience of practical application of theoretical knowledge and to acquire professional skills and knowhow. The practicum aims at further enhancing students’ capacity to apply acquired knowledge, research, and practical skills in a professional environment, building in turn upon academic studies completed during their programme of study.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this research project, students should be able to:

  • Scope, design and carry out an independent research project;

  • Apply relevant air or space laws and policies to solve practical case studies;

  • Use a multidisciplinary approach to discuss legal questions;

  • Explain and analyse possible ways of addressing legal issues; and

  • Present the findings of their research in a clear manner.


Students take this course at their own pace after completion of the first year.

Mode of Instruction

Students are, as part of their training, required to scope and design their own research project. After approval of the proposal by a staff member supervising the practicum, students will work largely independently. Students may ask for input from their supervisor or colleagues as they carry out the project.

Students are required to keep track of their activities through a research logbook and in turn demonstrate that they have spent 150 study hours on the research project from start to finish (preparing the assignment to giving the presentation). This may also include, for instance, attending conferences, conducting interviews, and other similar activities.

Assessment method

This course is assessed by means of:

  • a written assignment (80%); and

  • a presentation (20%).

The course is successfully passed if a weighted average grade for the course is obtained of 6.0 or higher. Only one retake may be granted to a student per course.

No retake will be granted to a student who has obtained a weighted average grade for the course of 6.0 or higher, cf Article 12.2 Course and Examination Regulations. No retake will be allowed if a student has not taken the scheduled exam, or any other scheduled form of assessment, and handed in written proof of a conscientious effort to meet the deadline. This is without prejudice to justified reasons of health, family or any other force majeure that could prevent the student from attending class or from participating in the assessment, cf. Article 12.3.

If a student fails an assessment component that is part of an activity that cannot be retaken, the form of the retake will be up to the discretion of the relevant lecturer, cf. Article 12.1.

The grade obtained in the retake assessment will replace the grade of the failed assessment and will be included in the weighting of the grade for the course.

Reading list

No specific reading list will be provided. Students are expected to use the relevant law articles, treaties, case studies and other scientific resources for their research and discussion of the relevant theories.


Students will be registered automatically for the course in uSis and Brightspace.


International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL)
Law School, Leiden University
Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden, Netherlands
Postal address: P.O. Box 9520, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands
Phone : +31 71 527 8081


Currently these pages are being updated to reflect the courses for 2024 - 2025. Until these pages are fixed as per 1 September 2024 no rights can be claimed from the information which is currently contained within. Should there be any future extenuating circumstances which may impinge our teaching and assessment, these could necessitate modification of the course descriptions after 1 September. This will only happen in the event of strict necessity and the interests of the students will be taken into account. Should there be a need for any change during the course, this will be informed to all students on a timely basis. Modifications after 1 September 2024 may only be done with the approval and consent of the Faculty Board and Programme Director.