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Futures Thinking


Deze informatie is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.

Disciplines: The tools and ways of work that are being taught can be applied on all disciplines. Several of the disciplines we will use as cases are derived from the fields of: Education, Digital media, International Relations and Public Administration, Public Health Management, and many more!
Themes: Future foresight, Resilience, Skills development, Design thinking
Type: Honours Class: This course combines theory and practice to learn how to tackle a complex issue.

Admission requirements

This course is an (extracurricular) Master Honours Class aimed at talented Master’s students. Admission will be based on academic background, GPA and motivation.


Students are being prepared for the jobs of the future yet how can you even know what that future looks like? During this course you will learn and practice hands-on future foresight tools that can be applied to any topic. What if ChatGPT will be as normal as a spelling checker? How will artificial intelligence affect education and the future of work? What would a real Metaverse society look like? And could these tools have been used to anticipate something like the Covid pandemic or the changing global order?

As you make use of these emerging tools and technologies, you will engage with stakeholders about future scenarios they and you think are important.

At the end of the course, you will design and host a future foresight game workshop, during which you will apply everything you’ve learned during the course with your stakeholders and other interested parties.

Course objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have:

  • developed new perspectives on societal changes;

  • improved on how to deal with uncertainties;

  • uilt resilience when faced with future changes;

  • used creative skills to contribute to a solid analysis of future issues;

  • developed a futures thinking mindset;

  • learned how to adapt to changing circumstances, by internalizing ways to respond flexibly to changes;

  • learned how to apply design thinking principles to problem solving.

Programme and Timetable

The sessions of this class will take place from 13.00 - 15.00 on the following Fridays :

Session 1: November 8, 2024
Session 2: November 15, 2024
Session 3: November 22, 2024
Session 4: November 29, 2024
Session 5: December 6, 2024
Session 6: December 13, 2024
Session 7: January 24, 2025
Session 8: January 31, 2025
Session 9: February 7, 2025



Course load

This course is worth 5 ECTS, which means the total course load equals 140 hours.

  • 8 Seminars of 1.75 hours (participation is mandatory) (15.75 hours)

  • Literature reading: 60 hours

  • Practical work: 16 hours

  • Future foresight game design: 50 hours


The assessment methods will look as follows:

  • The students will design a future foresight scenario and game around one of the topics that have been discussed during the meetings. The grade will be based on participant evaluations and design.

  • The students will keep a journal during the course on the future scenarios.

Students can only pass this course after successful completion of all partial exams.

Reading list

Book: Imaginable – Jane McGonigal
Parts of the Futures Thinking Specialization on Coursera.

Other possible literature will be announced in class or via Brightspace.

Brightspace and uSis

Brightspace will be used in this course. Upon admission students will be enrolled in Brightspace by the teaching administration.

Please note: students are not required to register through uSis for the Master Honours Classes. Your registration will be done centrally.


Submitting an application for this course is possible from Monday, 23 September until and including Sunday, 13 October 2024 through the link on the Honours Academy student website.

Note: students don’t have to register for the Master Honours Classes in uSis. The registration is done centrally before the start of the class.


Yentl Croese:
Experience Designer, Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre, Leiden University.

Melissa Amoros Lark:
Project Manager, Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre, Leiden University.