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Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice (Campus The Hague)


Admission requirements



Entrepreneurship is everywhere. The number of entrepreneurs has increased considerably in the Netherlands over the past years. Entrepreneurs are the “agents of change” who identify entrepreneurial opportunities and act upon these opportunities. An increasing amount of people recognize that entrepreneurship may be rewarding in terms of high levels of autonomy and satisfaction with one’s work.

Recognizing entrepreneurial opportunities and having an innovative mindset are of utmost importance in our changing society and play, therefore, key roles in this course. The focus is on the individual entrepreneur who takes the risk to start and grow a firm. Who are these entrepreneurs, how do these entrepreneurs recognize entrepreneurial opportunities, and what are the most important aspects during the process of starting and running a company? This course also devotes attention to financing issues and aspects related to the exit side of entrepreneurship.

This course is a challenging entry into business studies, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Students acquire relevant academic and practical insights and skills in the areas of Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, and the domains closely connected to entrepreneurial decision making such as marketing, strategy, and finance. The course consists of lectures and interactive seminars (“werkgroepen”) in which real life business cases are discussed. Guest speakers will be invited to share their practical insights. Also, students are expected to write and pitch a start-up plan within groups. By doing so, students will gain experience in closely working together towards a joint product; throughout the course, students will also reflect on this.

Course objectives

The objective of this course is to acquaint the student with Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • explain what entrepreneurship is and why studying entrepreneurship and innovation is important;

  • identify which skills, attitudes, and types of behavior a successful entrepreneur possesses;

  • explain which aspects play a role during the process of starting and growing a firm from a theoretical point of view;

  • apply theoretical knowledge (see previous learning goal) to real life business cases;

  • write, evaluate, and convincingly pitch a start-up plan in collaboration with other students.


Check MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction


  • Number of (2 hour) lectures: 7

  • Instructor: dr. P.W. van der Zwan

  • Lectures are taught in English.

Seminars ("werkgroepen")

  • Number of (2 hour) seminars: 2

  • Instructor: dr. P.W. van der Zwan

  • Seminars are taught in English.

  • Preparation and participation required.

Assessment method

  • Exam (60%);

  • Team assignment (start-up plan) (30%);

  • Presentation (10%).

All three parts are compulsory.

For the team assignment draft versions need to be handed in every week. Enrollment after the first week is not possible because of the group assignments. Compensation for insufficient partial grades (exam, start-up plan, presentation) is possible, provided that a minimum of 5.0 has been obtained for the exam. The written exam is the only part for which a re-sit exists. The grades for the start-up plan and presentation can be reapplied only in the subsequent academic year.

Areas to be tested within the exam
The studied chapters from the text book, the required literature and listed in the Syllabus, and everything that has been dealt with in the lectures and seminars.

Regulation retake passed exams
In this course it is possible to retake an exam that has been passed (cf. art. 4.1.8 and further of the Course and Examination Regulations) on the condition that this course is not part of the minor. Students who have passed the exam may retake the final written assessment (test) of the course if they meet certain requirements. For more information, go to the website > ‘Law’ tab > ‘Retake a passed exam’.

Reading list

Obligatory course materials


  • Greene, F. (2020). Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1st edition), Red Globe Press: London, ISBN: 978-1-137-58955-2 (paperback version).

  • Articles: links to the articles will be made available through Brightspace.


Registration for courses and exams takes place via MyStudymap. If you do not have access to MyStudymap (guest students), look here (under the Law-tab) for more information on the registration procedure in your situation.  


  • Course coordinator: dr. P.W. van der Zwan;

  • Address: KOG, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden. Roomnumber B2.26;

  • Availability: Monday to Friday 09h00-17h00;

  • Phonenumber: 071- 527 8560;

  • E-mail:


  • Institute: Institute of Tax Law and Economics;

  • Department: Business Studies;

  • Address secretarial: KOG, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden. Roomnumber B2.26;

  • Opening hours: Every workday except for Wednesday 9.00 - 17.00h;

  • Telephone secretarial office: 071 527 7851;

  • Email:
