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Politics of the Middle East



Upheaval and dramatic change have shaken many countries in the Middle East in recent years. Was this fate inevitable? What forces laid the groundwork for it? What alternative courses might yet be charted out? And what lies in store? Will demographic, social, economic, and other regional developments provoke violence or usher in newfound political stability? This seminar introduces students to the politics of the region to provide a basis for understanding its past and ongoing political transitions, social and economic changes, and conflicts. After a brief overview of the history from the Ottoman period until the end of the Second World War, we will study themes at the heart of developments in the region: modern state formation; the struggle for independence; the role of individual leaders; national and social identity; the emergence and maintenance of political regimes; social mobilization; religion and politics; impediments to economic development and the consequences of economic stagnation; internal conflicts – distributional, ideological, and ethno-sectarian; and political transitions.

Methods of Instruction


Reading List

T.B.A. on Brightspace

Assessment Method

Grades are based on:
In-class participation (10%)
Quiz (20%)
Film analysis paper (20%)
Country portfolio (40%)


See 'MyTimetable'


Students need to register for courses in MyStudymap. It is not possible to take a course without a valid registration. Please consult the course registration website for information on registration periods and further instructions.

Registration Exchange and Study Abroad students
Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Exchange students website for information on how to apply.

Please note that there is limited capacity for this course