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Lifestyle Medicine and Primary Care


Admission requirements

See Brightspace for the admission requirements.
Only national students can apply.


Please check this flyer for all the information you need.

In this minor, students are challenged to think about future developments and innovations within lifestyle medicine and primary health care. The minor includes topics across the lifespan related to maternal- and youth health care, general practice and elderly care medicine. This includes classes on maternal healthcare and the first 1000 days of life, population health management, lifestyle medicine, chronic disease and multimorbidity, disease self-management, climate impact of health care, syndemics, cultural aspects of disease and advance care planning.

Students will be asked to contemplate their role and responsibilities as future (primary care) physicians, and will learn about and reflect on state-of-the-art scientific developments. To do so, the minor adopts a problem-based approach, integrating a variety of themes in primary care case histories from the earliest moment of life to old age. The subject is taught through assignments and tutorials that use video excerpts and debating, as well as clinical activities and discussions with care providers and patients. Knowledge and skills towards motivational interviewing and cultural skills are developed via advanced skills workshops. The mini-internships will take place in general practice, elderly care medicine, and youth care/midwifery practice. In duos, students will write and present a Lifestyle medicine intervention and evaluation plan, selecting a topic related to chronic disease or the first 1000 days of life. 

Course objectives

General learning objectives concerning academic and scientific development. The student is:

  • Able to report on the epidemiology of a (public) health problem in the target population

  • Able to research determinants of the health problem, and develop a logic model

  • Able to research behavior change techniques, and develop a logic model of change

  • Able to translate a logic model of change in feasible intervention elements

  • Able to find relevant literature about the topic and related evaluation methods in PubMed

  • Able to reflect critically on the adequacy of research methods used and the validity of the conclusions drawn in the literature found

  • Able to determine the scientific rigour and quality of (eHealth) interventions

  • Able to pitch the results of a scientific search and appraisal

  • Able to write an evaluation proposal in English in the form of a scientific report

  • Able to design a scientific presentation and present results of evaluation proposal

Specific learning objectives concerning academic and scientific development (the list below provides a summary of the learning objectives, all learning objectives specified per educational activity can be found in this course book)

After this minor, the student is aware of:

  • Population health management: Understand the different concepts of population health management, its major developments and different applications in practice

  • First 1000 days of life: Explain why the first 1000 days in life are crucial for transgenerational health outcomes, and how lifestyle and (lifestyle) interventions in this period might impact the quality of life and health outcomes of mothers and their offspring

  • Chronic disease: Explain the incidence, prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of the top three chronic diseases in primary care practice (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and COPD)

  • eHealth: explain what eHealth is, which eHealth interventions are available, how they can be researched, and how its implementation in primary care practice might be impacted.

  • (eHealth) interventions for chronic disease: Explain what (eHealth) interventions are available to prevent or treat diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and COPD), and explain the intervention mechanisms that lead to effectivity.

  • Self-management: explain what self-management is, why it is important for prevention and treatment, and name examples of (eHealth) self-management interventions currently being used in primary care practice

  • Lifestyle: Explain why lifestyle (e.g., nutrition, physical activity) is essential for health throughout the life course and can name examples of interventions that can promote these lifestyle behaviours.

  • Ageing: Understand the process and determinants of (healthy) ageing, and can provide a multi-dimensional view of the ageing process

  • Syndemics: Understand the concept of syndemics and how to explore these combined medical and social problems.

  • Psycho-social/ cultural perspective on health and illness: Employ a psycho-social and cultural perspective on health and illness, and explain why cultural skills are needed to adequately communicate with a diverse patient population in primary care

  • Motivational interviewing (MI): understand what MI is, can use basic MI techniques in short consultations, and can explain how MI can benefit consultations in primary care

  • Reflect on themes in practice: can explain and reflect on how various themes from the half minor take shape in the clinical interaction between care provider and patient.


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
It will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace when and how the post-exam feedback will be organized.

Mode of instruction

  • Lectures and working groups

  • Advanced skills workshops

  • Online learning modules

  • Clinical and research illustrations

  • Mini-internships in various settings

  • Preparative study assignments

Assessment method

  • Knowledge exam (20%)

  • Lifestyle medicine intervention pitch (20%)

  • Evaluation proposal (40%)

  • Presentation evaluation proposal (20%)

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Medicine, see the Study Materials List GNK 2024-2025.


Information about the registration process can be found on the Brightspace course Half Minors.


R.M.J.J. van der Kleij PhD, Assistant professor
Public Health & Primary Care, LUMC

J.J. Aardoom PhD, Senior researcher
Public Health & Primary Care

A. Versluis PhD, Senior researcher
Public Health & Primary Care, LUMC

A. Zijp
Public Health & Primary Care, LUMC

M.E. Numans, MD, PhD Professor
Public Health & Primary Care , LUMC


100% Attendance is compulsory during the half minor. In case of absence, students should inform the teacher and the coordinator by contacting the minor coordinators. In the case of a short absence, the student must submit a make-up assignment. In the case of more prolonged absences, the student will fail the minor. Absence at formative assessments must be compensated with a make-up assignment.