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Migration after the Second World War


In this optional course we look at migration to the Netherlands in the period after the Second World War (1945-1995). In the fifty years after the war the Netherlands received migrants from its former colonies, refugees and labour migrants (or guest workers). This migration was not very different from that to many other European countries. This enables us to make comparisons between countries. We will analyse how this migration changed over time and how the policy makers and the society at large responded to changes. We will also look at how the Dutch society changed because of the arrival migrants.

In this course we will look at migration from an intersectional perspective and we will pay attention to the interaction between the analytical categories class, ethnicity and gender.

At the beginning of the course we will look at what has been published on this subject. To this we will add the outcomes of our own research. The research will focus on media attention for migration issues (media hypes) and interaction with political discourse.


Semester II, see timetables.


Lectures and tutorials; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


This course will teach you how to review the literature critically, do some research independently, and combine this research with what has been published. An important goal of the course is the final presentation.




Two take home exams (mid term and final) and presentations


With tutor:


The programme consists of combination of reading and research. In the first part of the course the emphasis will be on reading, in the latter part on research.


See the full MA-Migrants and cities in a changing world.

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.