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Tourism and the creation of national identities


From the late 18th century onwards the rise of tourism has seriously affected the creation of the various national identities all over Europe. The government and national elites could determine what was to be seen in all kind of state museums and thus define or delimit the national culture and identity. However, tourists also could vote with their feet and even discover new or different ‘national treasures’, thus adapting or refining existing national, but also regional and local identities. The population in tourist destinations, in turn, also could respond to the demand of tourists, or try to attract new tourists, by refashioning themselves or their environment in an attractive way; thus also adopting a different role or identity. In this course we will study how elites, travelers, and the tourist industry, each in their own way tried to define or adapt national and local identities.


Semester I, see timetables.


Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


Students acquire a thorough knowledge of the development of cultural nationalism and the process of defining national identities in Europe during the 19th and 20th century. They acquire insights into historiographical controversies in this field, obtain practical experience with analysing primary sources and develop the skills required to present the results of their research.


Literature for entry test held at the second meeting:

*Joep Leerssen, National Thought in Europe: A Cultural History (Amsterdam University Press 2007).


*Essay (approximately 7500 words) *oral presentations *participation


With tutor:




The first weeks of the seminar are devoted to the introduction of the main topic of study on basis of a certain amount of additional literature. In the following weeks, students work on a number of case studies and present the results of their research orally and in the form of written papers.

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.