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The Power of Organizing and the Rise of Democracy. ca. 1780-1914


People have always combined forces to pursue a certain goal, but in the long nineteenth century (1789-1914) people started organizing in new ways and on an unprecedented scale. A modern type of voluntary association developed, that transcended traditional boundaries of class, gender and local concerns. The new organizations were relatively accessible to new members and operated on a national scale. Another important characteristic was their usefulness to express political dissent. The story of the innovation of the tool of organization and its development is so important because it contributed to, and offers insights into, the processes of the extension of civil society and of democratization. Through analyzing the history of organizing, we gain a deeper understanding of the course of modern history.

In this seminar we will examine the enthusiasm for organizing (which can be found in Europe and North-America around the same time) from the perspective of the founders of new associations, such as anti-slavery organizations, early socialist organizations, women’s rights organizations and those founded during the 1848 revolutions. We will also pay attention to their critics – many people thought the ‘Associational Mania’ heralded the end of an era and the beginning of a new type of politics, in which public opinion, mass manifestations and public pressure on the government gained importance. It turned out they were right.

Students will analyze the motives, practices and difficulties that were linked to founding an organization, using secondary sources as well as primary sources from the International Institute for Social History (IISG), the National Archives, as well as the Royal Library (KB).


Semester I, see timetables.


Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


*Gaining knowledge of and insight into the development of democracy and of civil society in the 19th century *Acquiring insight into the historiography of associational history, and develop sensibilities to study this field from the perspective of political culture. *Developing skills required to execute independent and critical historical research, and to present this research orally and in writing.


*Stefan-Ludwig Hoffman, Civil Society, 1750-1914 (Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006).
Other literature will be made available at the beginning of the course.


*Entry test – 10% (2000 word essay on aspects of the required reading, handed in by each participant at the first meeting. More specific instructions upon application) *Oral presentations and participation – 10% *Essay – 80% (approximately 7500 words)


With the tutor:


Gives access to course information, literature, sources, student papers.


The first weeks of study are devoted to a general introduction of the topic, and the study of a few case studies, based on literature which will be made available at the beginning of the course. We will also visit the IISG. The students will select an organization, and start examining its founding period. In the second half of the course the students will present their research. We will discuss similarities and differences between various countries, types of organizations, and periods the organizations were founded.

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.