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European expansion and colonial warfare: the wars of the Dutch colonial army 1816-1941


During the nineteenth and early twentieth century European states conquered large parts of the world. How colonial armies succeeded in dominating such a large part of the world will be the leading question of this seminar. We will focus on the Dutch colonial army in particular, which in South East Asia carved out the frontiers of the Netherlands Indies in this century. We will discuss general features of colonial armies and colonial warfare and, more in depth, study the way of war of the Dutch colonial army, its vital personnel management in this multi-ethnic army, its military culture and the significance of western military technology. Students will study general literature on this theme and literature about a more specific topic. They will also conduct research in selected archival sources on their chosen case study.


Semester I, see timetables.


Research Seminar; attendance is compulsory ( see the rules and regulations of the Department of History, art. 2).


Students will acquire insights in recent debates on the way colonial armies advanced the process of European expansion in South East Asia, they will improve their ability to conduct research in primary sources, and produce a well structured paper.


Entry test:

*K.Hack, T. Rettig eds, Colonial Armies in Southeast Asia (Londen, 2006) 3-72. *J. de Moor, ‘Met klewang en karabijn: militaire geschiedenis van Nederlands-Indië (1815-1949) in: J.R.Bruijn en C.B. Wels (eds.) Met Man en Macht. De militaire geschiedenis van Nederland 1550-2000 (Amsterdam, 2003) 199-244.


Contribution to class discussions, class presentation, paper (7500 words)


With tutor:




The first weeks of the seminar will be dedicated to a general introduction in the history of colonial warfare and the military history of the Netherlands Indies since 1816. Then the main issues will be researched in depth, first using (contemporary) literature and finally primary archival sources. Students are expected to present the results of their research on this different case studies and will have to write a paper to complete this seminar


Good reading ability of Dutch is required

Aanmeldingen Cursussen, Werkgroepen en Tentamens

MA course enrolment forms can be downloaded here.