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Seminar (Neo)latin: The place where all the Muses live: Florentine literature and culture in the 15th century


The 15th century was perhaps the most radiant moment in Florentine history and culture. Florentine troops had conquered the surrounding city states and thus made Florence one of the political centres of Italy, the papal curia was dependent on the richness of the Medici, and especially at the beginning of the century nearly all important intellectuals of Italy were at least briefly connected with the city. The propaganda declared Florence the new Rome, the home of the Muses; the Florentine university was the first to appoint a teacher for Greek literature; the Neo-Platonic Academy of Marsilio Ficino gave way to a new stage in the history of philosophy… In just one semester we will have to concentrate on just some of the most important aspects. I propose the following:
1. The literary tradition: Dante and Petrarch as topic of Florentine self-fashioning; the debate on vulgar Latin; the Certame coronario of 1441.
2. The so-called ‘civic humanism’: Leonardo Bruni and his historiographic works.
3. Marsilio Ficino and his philosophy of inspiration (including the revival of Greek studies).
4. (Philosophical) Poetry for the city: Cristoforo Landino, Angelo Poliziano.
5. The Medici-party: Patronage and amicitia in Renaissance societies.
We will read mostly Latin texts, but sometimes it will be necessary to look at pieces written in Italian as well; in such cases, translations will be specified.
If the participants are interested, an optional excursion to Florence in the week before Christmas can be organised.


Timetable Master




_Florence as centre of Italian humanism; reception of Roman (republican and Augustean) cultural concepts for the city’s self-fashioning.
Oral and written presentation on higher level.
_Contextualisation and insight: _
The Italian Renaissance as starting point of modern Europe; reception of classical antiquity (on both textual and conceptual levels) in the humanist era; interaction between Latin and vernacular in Early Modern Italy.


Will be made available so that every participant can copy the texts at the begin of the seminar.


Oral and written paper.


Dr. C. Pieper (


For this seminar, blackboard will be used.


The topics mentioned above will be treated in detail, through presentations by the teacher and through papers by the students.


The seminar is open to MA and MPhil students in Classics. Please use U-twist to enroll.