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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience


Developmental cognitive neuroscience investigates the relations between brain development and cognitive development. This class will cover the biological bases of cognitive functioning from a developmental perspective, focusing on both infancy and childhood. Fundamental questions that will be covered include: How does brain development, including changes in function, morphology, connectivity and chemistry, relate to typical and atypical development of cognitive functions, such as attention, memory and decision-making? How is learning enhanced during critical periods? How do genetic and environmental questions interact during the course of development to shape the brain, mind and behavior?


Dr. E. Crone
Room 3B33A
Tel.: +31 (0)71 527 3681


  • explore relevant theoretical debates in developmental science and neuroscience methods used to address the relevant questions in this field.

  • consideration of the major methods of developmental cognitive neuroscience including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), recordings of evoked response potentials (ERPs), and behavioral marker tasks. We will devote particular attention to the unique challenges of applying these methods to the study of children.

  • give group presentations on relevant articles and write a research proposal that will be presented in a poster session.


  • The cognitive neuroscience of development. Michelle de Haan & Mark H. Johnson

  • All other readings (journal articles) will be made available for download on the course website in pdf format.


  • Class Participation (30%): (1) Come to class having done all of the readings, and prepared to discuss them; (2) Write 3 discussion questions each week for distribution to the class.

  • Leading Discussion (30%): Take a turn in leading the discussion, and giving an overview, on the topic and the week’s readings.

  • Paper (40%): Write an 8-10 page paper on the topic of your choice in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

From January 1, 2006 the Faculty of Social Sciences has instituted the Ephorus system to be used by instructors for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. Please see the Additional Rules and Regulations, section 6.


Class sessions will usually consist of a short lecture period followed by a student led group presentation and discussion of the week’s readings. In addition, we will visit different labs to learn more about the methods and issues of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Students will be responsible for each week’s assigned readings. The class will revolve around discussion of these readings. To facilitate discussion, students should prepare three questions that arose for them while reading the week’s material.
Student groups will be arranged, and each group will be responsible for co-leading one or more class discussions. Groups may reserve topics. In addition to weekly discussion questions, a major research proposal will be due on the last day of class. Students will give a final presentation regarding their proposal.


Introduction and enrollment for courses of the first semester will take place August 28th 2008. Introduction and enrollment for courses of the second semester will take place in January 2009. More information will be available at the website of the Department of Psychology.

NB: Exam registration will take place via U-Twist, and will be open between a month and a week before the (re)exam. Students who don’t register, cannot participate in the exam.


Information on the course on”:


MPhil: Developmental Psychology (pdf)