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Focus 3+4: Tokugawa Japan: culture, religion, art and literature in early-modern political history


In this course we examine the nature and functions of culture, religion, art and literature during and around the period of the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1868). One focus of this course is the role of culture, religion, art and literature in enhancing political integration and a unified identity in Japan during the period from 1500 to 1900. This course examines the way that various Japanese governments, particularly the early and late Tokugawa and early Meiji states, used culture and religion to achieve political objectives of state-building. In addition, we also examine other developments in culture, religion, art and literature which occurred independently of state authority and have serious ramifications for how we look at Japan and the world in this critical period of history. This course will give students a good understanding of a range of facets of life in Tokugawa Japan and show how those facets link into our understanding of the development of East Asian and world history during this period.


see: rooster



A la Carte- en Contractonderwijs

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Belangstellenden die deze cursus in het kader van Contractonderwijs willen volgen (met tentamen), vinden hier meer informatie over kosten, inschrijving, voorwaarden etc.


The educative objectives of this course are therefore two-fold. Firstly to simply equip 2nd year students with an understanding of a range of issues in the history of early-modern Japan. Secondly to equip 2nd year students with analytical skills which can be applied to deconstructing long term narratives of history by using particular theoretical paradigms of modernization discourse.


A reader will be provided, further readings will be directed from library resources.


Participation element (attendance, class discussion on readings (including to online forums between classes) 30%
Analytical element (Review Paper, 1,000-1,500 words) 20%
Research element (Individual Research Paper, 2,000-2,500 words) 30%
Summative element (Group Research Project) 20%

This course is a part of “Keuzepakket Japanse Studies”
Aanmeld- en inschrijfprocedure colleges en tentamens:

