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Focus 5b: Histories of Japanese society (medieval and early modern periods 1300-1850) (I)


This third year level course looks at the culture, society and/or history of pre-twentieth century Japan. Its specific aim is to equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to initiate their own graduation project, on a topic of their choice relating to this period. The first semester component examines a range of aspects of the social, political, intellectual, cultural and religious histories of Japan between 1300 and 1850, focusing on the interaction between Japan and the rest of the world. The second semester, while gradually introducing readings from Japanese materials, also allows students the opportunity to diversify and specialize in their own area of interest. Students therefore will be able to begin to research the period of history, and the social, cultural, intellectual or religious aspect they are individually interested in.


see rooster




The second semester element of the course is aimed squarely at third year Japan major students developing towards their Bachelor thesis. This component will allow students to specialize in an area of Japanese society, culture or history in a historical period of the student’s choice to develop their studies towards a small research project. As part of this preparation, this component will introduce study in Japanese language texts so that, with the support of the class group, the student can begin not only to use Japanese materials, but also to carry out advanced analytical and research tasks in the Japanese language.


A reader will be supplied. Students must also undertake their own library research


Participation element (attendance and participation, research presentation) 30%
Translation element: 50%
Review element (proposal and literature review): 20%


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Must have taken first semester element of this course taught by Paramore. Must have above 75% average in Japanese to third year level.