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Seminar Greek: Human Relations and Fame Divine: Archaic Greek Poetry from Hesiod to Pindar


Object of study is the interpretation of ‘post-Homeric’ archaic Greek poetry (somewhat extended to include fifth century choral lyric). While paying due attention to its formal characteristics (dialect, metre), we will concentrate on its aims, its claims, and its communicative role, taking into account differences in socio-historical context (audience) and ‘genre’.

The corpus includes Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days, elegy and iambus (Archilochus, Tyrtaeus; Mimnermus, Semonides; Solon, Theognis; Hipponax), monody and choral lyric (Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon; Alcman, Stesichorus; Simonides, Pindar, Bacchylides). It covers themes such as farming, heroism, justice, social mobility, gender, love and desire, youth and old age, victory and fame.

After a common exploration of the field, students will choose a poem or selection of poems for more detailed investigation (also making use of secondary literature). Emphasis may be placed on more literary characteristics (intertextuality, genre) or to linguistic aspects, such as semantics, discourse structure and the interaction between the poet and his or her audience. Optional themes are musical performance, the supposed Indo-European background (e.g. ‘wisdom-literature’), and the ‘Nachleben’ of the poems in West-European (including Latin) literature.


Timetable Master




Students will gain insight in the meaning and message of different genres of archaic Greek poetry by studying its the formal, linguistic, literary and communicative characteristics.

They will testify to being able, both individually and as a member of a team, to discuss in detail the wording, contents, and composition of different poems as well as their socio-historical context, making critical use of the editions and commentaries available and secondary literature on the subject.


Hesiod, Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia. Edited and Translated by Glenn W. Most, Cambridge (Mass.)/ London 2006. (Loeb Classical Library)

Iambi et Elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, ed. M.L. West, Oxford 1971; preferably the second (Sandpiper) edition, 1998.

Other texts will be available for copying.


Presentation (oral and written; either individually or in cooperation) of a detailed interpretation of a poem or poems, also on the basis of secondary literature on the subject. The student’s contributions to critical discussion of material presented by others will be part of the evaluation.


dr. M. van Raalte (


The first two weeks will be devoted to a comparison of different handbooks and monographs dealing with matters of genre, and a first selection of objects and issues for further investigation.
In the first full session an inventory of problems and topics, as well as a division of tasks will be made; further sessions will be used to discuss methodo­logical questions and problems of interpretation that may arise while preparing the presentations.


The seminar is open to MA and MPhil students in Classics. Please use U-twist to enroll.