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Theories and issues in the international relations of East Asia


To what extent can International Relations theories provide adequate conceptual frameworks to analyze key issues in East Asia? Why do our interpretations of events and policy-makers alone not suffice to comprehend the complexities of the international relations in the East Asian region? What are the limitations of International Relations theories and how do contemporary issues highlight these theoretical deficiencies? In this course, students will learn valuable theoretical, methodological and analytical skills enabling them to interpret key issues in the international relations of the East Asian region.
The course is divided into two sections. The first section is designed to give students a basic knowledge of a range of international relations theories. In the second section, students will employ these theories to interpret a number of key economic, political and security issues in the international relations of East Asia.
Students will acquire an in-depth knowledge of a range of contemporary issues pertaining to East Asian international relations. In particular, students will study the war on terrorism, China’s rise, China-South Korea economic relations and economic integration, the US-Japan alliance, Japan’s Overseas Development Aid (ODA) policy, the comfort women and US military base issues, the construction of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) framework, energy and environmental issues, and the division of the Korean Peninsula.
The issues addressed in this course will have relevance to a number of disciplines. Students should draw on previous work they have done in other academic fields and demonstrate their knowledge in seminars, as well as in their assessed work. It is also hoped that students will apply the knowledge they gain through studying theories and issues in the international relations of East Asia to other courses they are taking.
Students will be expected to use additional sources to those in the suggested reading list.


First semester, two hours per week. See time table for time and location.


Lectures and seminars


This module aims to provide a critical examination of key issues and processes related to the international relations of East Asian states. The focus of this module is on developments since World War Two, but with a particular emphasis on the post-Cold War period. By the end of the module, students will be able to:

*Demonstrate an understanding of the complex issues and processes related to the political, economic and security relations of East Asian states. *Apply conceptual tools to analyze key events and processes in the international relations of the East Asian region. *Demonstrate appropriate cognitive, communicative and transferable skills, develop the capacity for independent learning, critique major texts on the international relations of the East Asian region, and participate in class debates.


Core textbooks include:

*Alagappa, Muthiah (ed.) (2002) Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features, Stanford University Press. *Beeson, M. (ed.) (2007) Bush and Asia: America’s Evolving Relations with East Asia, London and New York: Routledge. *Ikenberry, G.J. and Mastanduno, M. (eds.) (2003) International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific, New York: Columbia University Press *Johnston, A.I. and Ross, R.S. (eds.) (2006) New Directions in the Study of China’s Foreign Policy, Stanford: Stanford University Press *Kim, S. (2004) The International Relations of Northeast Asia (Asia in World Politics), Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. *Shambaugh, D. (ed.) (2005) Power shift – China and Asia’s New Dynamics, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press *Yahuda Michael (2004) The International Politics of the Asia Pacific: Since 1945 (Politics in Asia Series), Routledge Curzon: New York and Abingdon


*One essay of up to 3,000 words (35%) * Participation in classes, discussions, and one debate (20%) * A final exam (35%) * Attendance (10%)


For further information about the course, please contact Dr. L. Black (

Enroll in time for this course via U-twist. Niet ingeschreven, betekent geen toestemming tot het volgen van dit college. Zie ook ‘Aanmeldprocedures voor colleges en tentamens’ voor inschrijvingsdeadlines en meer informatie over in- en uitschrijven voor colleges.


A handbook denoting weekly readings will be posted on blackboard the week before the start of the semester.
For enrollment, visit the website Blackboard Then click on: courses > Faculteit der Letteren > China, Talen en Culturen van > 2008-2009 > Registreer/enroll.


Week 1: Overview – defining the region, the focus of the course
Theories and East Asian International Relations Week 2: International Relations Theory: Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism and Constructivism Week 3: Interstate relations in East Asia – historical overview – World Systems Theory, Neo-Marxism and the English School Week 4: ‘Alternative’ Approaches to the International Relations of East Asia – Feminism and Post-Modernism
Theory and Issues Week 5: China’s rise and the transformation of the East Asian order The role of the Great Powers in contemporary East Asia Week 6: Economic interdependence in East Asia since the Cold War – China-South Korea relations Week 7: The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) and socializing powers Week 8: The ‘comfort women’ and US military bases in East Asia. Week 9: The Division of the Korean Peninsula Week 10: Japan’s aid policy, human rights and human security in East Asia Week 11: US-East Asia security relations and the war on terrorism Week 12: Energy Competition and the Environment in East Asia Week 13: Conclusion