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State, public policies and civil society in Latin America


Following the application of neoliberal reforms in the 1980s and 1990s in Latin America profound changes took place in the relationship between state and civil society. On the one hand, the delivery of many public services (water, electricity, telecommunications, health, transport, etc.) became privatized. On the other hand, many traditional responsibilities of the state were trespassed to Non-Governmental organizations and civil society organizations. This course explores the formulation and application of public policies in key social fields such as education, poverty reduction, public security, popular health care, and their results. It also pays attention to the reactions of citizens’ organizations vis-à-vis these initiatives, and to the emergence of state-civil society cooperation schemes in these fields.



Method of Instruction

Lectures and tutorials.

Course objectives

To obtain knowledge and expertise about a series of important developmental initiatives that have been recently deployed by several Latin American governments, aiming to solve urgent social problems. Understanding of technical and political dimensions and difficulties characterizing the formulation and application of public policies directed to the solution of complex social policies.

Required reading

A series of articles and documents about public policies in Latin America and their results; a list with this material will be sited on Blackboard


MPhil students: Active participation during the tutorials, short essay, two oral presentations, paper (writing and presentation).
Other students: Active participation during the tutorials, short essay, two oral presentations.


Prof. P. Silva, phone: +31 (0)71 5275496, e-mail
Dr. M.L. Wiesebron, phone: +31 (0)71 5272063, e-mail


Information on the timetable and on any changes in the programme will be posted on Blackboard


The course consists of six lectures and six tutorials (extra tutorials for students of the RMA-programme).