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Students are given suitable research papers linking a second year course with the scientific area related to the course. Students should work in a small group on one paper per semester: one foundational and one related to more application oriented research. They have to read and understand the papers assigned to them. At the end of the semester they should be able to present the paper to their peers in a student symposium.

*Method: * Reading groups.

Examination: Oral presentation.

Objective: To prepare students for research by means of reading, abstracting, and presenting scientific literature in the context of existing courses.

Prior knowledge: None.

*Literature: * Choice of selected papers will be distributed at the beginning of each semester.


*Material: *None

Remarks: Students should be actively participating in second year courses. Presence at the Seminarium is mandatory. First fall meeting: Friday September 12, from 13:45 to 15:30 in ROOM 407 (not 409).