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Consumer Psychology


Consumers becoming more and more important. Through marketing and advertising companies try to influence consumers in their choices. This is not limited to questions concerning how to motivate consumers to buy a (new) product, but, for example, also includes questions related to how to enhance satisfaction of consumers. On a more general level consumers’ satisfaction has been regarded as an indicator of (future) economic growth. The sometimes whimsical behavior a consumers becomes more and more a deciding factor (think about the stock market). But how do consumers make decisions and what drives their behavior? In this course insights from social psychology and consumer behavior are integrated and a broad range of topics is covered–the construal of judgments and decisions, affective and cognitive feelings, social and media influence, and goals and self-regulation. The course provides insight in the way consumer decisions are made and is therefore relevant for students, who are interested in the interplay between marketing, psychology and consumer behavior.


By the end of the course students will be expected to understand the key concepts and theories presented in the course and are expected to be able to apply these to issues relevant to consumer behavior.


Dr. W. W. van Dijk
Room 2A-21
Tel: 071 5276844
E-mailaddress: <>


  • W. D. Hoyer & D. J. MacInnis (2009). Consumer Behavior (5th, International Edition). Publisher: South Western College (ISBN-10: 0324834276; ISBN-13: 978-0324834277)

  • Selected articles


Final exam with 40 multiple-choice questions in English (dictionaries are allowed). The information presented in lectures will be part of the exam material.

From January 1, 2006 the Faculty of Social Sciences has instituted the Ephorus system to be used by instructors for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. Please see the Additional Rules and Regulations, section 6.

Requirement(s) for application or advice

Bachelor course Social and Organizational Psychology or comparable courses.

Education method(s)

Seven lectures and final exam.

Electives students
You have to enroll for each course separately. Read more on the electives (in Dutch)
