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Art, Cosmology and Ritual


Admission requirements

BA degree (or equivalent) in Archaeology or another relevant discipline.


Interpretive study of ancient art and material culture as expressions of the knowledge, concepts and religious worldview (rituals, sacred histories) of Native American cultures. This year’s focus is on shamanism and rulership. The seminar also pays attention to living cultural traditions and indigenous perspectives, as well as to historical accounts. The class is connected to the department’s iconological – historical – ethnographic research projects on (1) Mixtec culture, language and history, and (2) on the function and symbolism of the ancient Mesoamerican calendar, still in use in Southern Mexico and Guatemala (in cooperation with the Institut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie, University of Bonn). Introductory classes will focus on Mesoamerica, but during their presentations students are encouraged to analyze and discuss examples of visual art from their specific area of (thesis) interest.

Learning objectives

  • Knowledge of current research and debates in art and material culture as expressions of the knowledge, concepts and religious worldview of living Native American cultures;

  • Ability to identify and critically assess current research and literature on living Native American cultures and voice one’s well-argumented opinion;

  • Ability to connect research on living Native American cultures with archaeological and iconological research questions;

  • Ability to choose a research topic, find relevant literature, present this via a Powerpoint presentation and is able to handle a stimulating discussion afterwards;

  • Ability to write a paper on his/her research topic, with expression of a critically assessment of the literature and one’s own well-argumented opinion, making use of the feedback received with the presentation.

Method of instruction

Seminar with analysis of ethnographic data and examples of Mesoamerican visual art, including a discussion of methodological and theoretical issues. Students are required to give powerpoint presentations about primary material and / or textual sources from their area of (thesis) interest.


Active participation with powerpoint presentations and written assignments (including a paper).

Required reading

Different sources, monographs and articles, which in part will be assigned during the class, and in part have to be identified by the students themselves (library / internet search).