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Seminar Prospective Field Archaeology


Admission requirements

BA degree (or equivalent) in Archaeology or a relevant discipline.
SAP and exchange students: admission after approval by the Graduate School of Archaeology.


The heritage management cycle generally starts with a desk based assessment of available data in a particular region and with subsequent valuation of the archaeological landscape that is hidden in the soil. In this seminar the methodological problems involved in prospection and in predictive models are discussed. Students learn how to make a proper research outline for prospective research and for field walking in particular. If possible the design is also applied in a practical situation, generally in the Maaskant region just south of the river Meuse.

Method of instruction

After formal lectures students about desk based research, prospection methods and predictive models, students carry out their own desk-based research for a particular region and based on that formulate a prediction model. That is translated into a project outline (PvE) which they subsequently have to bring into practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • Applying interpretative approaches to data within the field of Prehistoric Archaeology.

  • Translating site distribution data into a predictive model for that region.

  • Gaining knowledge of predictive models and survey methods.

  • Gaining knowledge on the Dutch Quality Norm (KNA 3.1.).

  • Learning to assess critical factors in research (risk analysis).

  • Oral presentation skills.

  • Working in a team.


Assessment is based on the oral presentations, on the written assignments (desk based research, project outline and survey evaluation).